Supply Chain Now en Espanol
Season 2, Episode 1

Resumen del Episodio

En el primer episodio de Supply Chain Now en Español en 2022, los presentadores Enrique Alvarez y Monica Roesch Davila dan inicio a la nueva temporada al dar la bienvenida al SVP de Supply Chain con Beautycounter, Humberto Martinez, al programa. Escuche y aprenda cómo Humberto comenzó, las lecciones de su niñez que le han servido bien en los negocios y mucho más.

Transcripción en Español

[00:00:37] Muy buenos días y bienvenidos a un episodio más de Supply Chain Now en español. Mi nombre es Enrique Álvarez y el día de hoy tenemos a un invitado de honor muy, muy interesante. Pero antes de decirles quién es bueno, saludando a Mónica. Mónica, qué tal? Cómo estás? Buenos días.


[00:00:53] Hola Enrique, buenos días. Muy bien. Contenta de estar aquí. Tú qué tal?


[00:00:57] Perfecto y muy, muy contento de la entrevista que vamos a tener. Es una persona que ha estado en logística toda su vida o gran parte de su carrera profesional, no solo en México, sino en Estados Unidos, y tiene un puesto sumamente importante.


[00:01:13] Sí, ahora sí que tiene una trayectoria bastante interesante y pues vamos a escucharlo.


[00:01:20] Perfecto, bueno, sin más preámbulos, le damos la muy cordial bienvenida a Humberto Martínez SDP de Supply Chain para Buddy Kouchner Beto, qué tal? Cómo estás?


[00:01:33] Hola, cómo estás? Hola, Enrique. Hola, Mónica.


[00:01:36] Buen día.


[00:01:38] Buen día.


[00:01:41] Bueno, Humberto, muchísimas gracias por estar aquí. Bienvenido al programa. Nos da mucho gusto tenerte y bueno, me encantaría empezar platicando un poco sobre sobre ti y sobre tu infancia. Dónde creciste en general? Conocerte?


[00:01:57] Ok, bueno, si bueno, yo nací en la Ciudad de México, soy mexicano. Ahí nací, crecí, me casé prácticamente todo y hace 5 años me mudé a aquí a California, en Estados Unidos, y soy el tercero de cuatro hermanos. O sea, soy el sandwich y el sándwich de jamón o el queso. Este es una familia unida, pero por cosas del destino este ahorita toda la familia vive fuera. Este mi hermano vive en España, tengo una hermana en Houston, Texas y mis papás y mi hermana la más chica se mudaron a Aguascalientes. Entonces somos familia unida. Hemos tenido la suerte de juntarnos cuando nos vemos. Es muy intenso, pero obviamente cada quien vive por su lado. Este. Estoy casado con Mariana, mi esposa por 14 años y tengo dos hijas, Jimena de 11 y Lucía de 10. Este la verdad mi infancia yo la consideraría muy normal. Este como cualquier otra no persona clase media es muy normal. Ahí conocí a Enrique que era lo momentanea en Vamos juntos de las escalas por varios años que creo que de cierta forma de las que nos conociéramos y cosas de la vida. Ahorita hemos conseguido en lo que Supply Chain en la logística.


[00:03:32] Muy interesante la industria en la que de alguna manera logramos volver a conectar este algo en el pasado, ya enfocándonos un poco más hacia tu carrera profesional y hacia el puesto que desempeña ahorita y durante varios años. De joven alguna experiencia que te ayudó a formar tu carácter o quien fueras, o que te empezó a dar algún tipo de bases para ser exitoso en sobre todo en la parte de la logística después.


[00:04:01] Ok, hijo, yo diría dos. Una es y creo que sería un poco de los scouts y lo vinculara perseverancia. La verdad no sé por qué iba los campamentos. Otro día está mojado. A mí yo soy friolento. Es tener frío, es algo que a mí me molestaba mucho y en el campamento de 5 días, o sea, 5 noches completas, no? Y yo decía pero qué hago aquí? No voy a regresar? Y al siguiente año allí estaba. Entonces esa perseverancia, creo que de ahí la tomé este y el bueno y la otra, que creo que ese fin forjó mi carácter muy fuerte. A mí me tocó empezar la universidad en el 94. Y no sé si se acuerdan. Bueno, muchos no se acordarán porque no habían nacido, pero hubo una crisis económica muy fuerte en la transición del gobierno de Salinas con Zedillo y este el tipo de cambio se Balboa. Mi papá se quedó sin trabajo. Este. Pues yo entré al ITAM a estudiar Economía, pues que no era barato y puse un tema de que no había dinero en la casa. Entonces me puse a empezar a trabajar, pero como la economía estaba destrozada, pues tampoco es que se te pudiera ocurrir un negocio muy sofisticado, no? Pues porque no había dinero, no? Eso es lo que se nos ocurrió.


[00:05:30] Fue surtir de comida a restaurantes y hacer el súper, que ahorita ya está como de moda, pero en ese entonces no está y hacíamos el súper a las familias. Entonces danos tu lista y vamos a la central de abastos. Comprábamos todo y distribuían, no? Este fue mi primer negocio logístico. Yo no tenía ni idea, pero en el Caribe ese era nuestro picking, porque comprábamos, hacíamos este, comprábamos en cajas, obviamente hacíamos el pitcheo de los pedidos, subíamos y después al principio, pues yo era el chofer también. Después ya logramos tener un chofer este, pero definitivamente se fue mi mi, mi maestría. Al Cuántos años tendría? Un 19 años, 18, 19 años en este en tener idea de cómo funciona un centro de Tucson, Formigal al este y muy futurista, porque yo creo que si ese negocio hubiera pasado diez años después, pues capaz de ahorita no trabajaría para ti, aunque


[00:06:30] Sé tendrías una isla en algún punto en el Pacífico o algo


[00:06:34] Así. El timing en los negocios es muy importante, no? Ni antes ni después. Pero bueno, ese me dio mucha idea de logística, pero también un poco de carácter, no? Porque era levantarte a las 5 4 de la mañana y era la central de abastos, hacer todo tu Piquín, mandar al chofer y después irte al infierno. Entonces, como yo, como por qué sería como a las 10, diez y media, yo había acabado de hacer toda la distribución y de ahí pues cambiar de cachucha a estudiar, no? Entonces este creo que tema de carácter, este sí me forjó muchísimo y por mucho creo que fue la situación más estresante que nos tocó vivir como como familia. Entonces este bueno, porque resilencia creo que es algo muy importante en el tema de su playa. Esa inquietud dentro de tu vida construyas esa resiliencia, porque cuando las cosas empiezan a ir mal y creo que ahorita nos tocó convivir, todo empieza a ir mal. Entonces que tú te vas a librar de que el recurso más importante del SUPLI no es que tú aprendas a ser resiliente, este es súper importante.


[00:07:53] Claro, y más bueno, volviendo al punto que mencionabas de la perseverancia que aprendiste cuando eras más joven. Creo que aquí también se ve reflejado y también en la parte emprendedora, porque cuando tienes una situación complicada y pues es es para tu futuro, para tu familia. La verdad es que se hace hasta lo imposible para salir adelante y poder mejorar en todo. Entonces que interesante que como primera experiencia de logística fuera de esta forma, hay que diría que muchos años más tarde estarías aquí. Entonces, dentro de logística tienes muchísima experiencia en diferentes industrias. También me encantaría escuchar un poquito más sobre tu carrera profesional, los sectores en los que has estado. Cuéntanos.


[00:08:35] Ok, perfecto. Mira, yo tengo experiencia en básicamente las industrias juguetes donde estuve muy buena parte de mi carrera trabajando para Mattel y actualmente en Beauty Counter, que son cosméticos, no crean. Pero sorprendentemente yo no entré en su play como yo estudié Economía. Yo empecé entre, empecé trabajando para por casting de peores, o sea, el punto de venta por casting para decidir qué productos les contábamos en la temporada, que era una función mucho más comercial y de ahí me seguía Comercial y Seals Administration. Después fui la cabeza de ventas trabajando para meter en la cabeza de ventas para Walmart y en Mattel. Que bueno, tú sabes que Walmart es el cliente más importante. Este de ahí pase por marketing muy rápidamente y después ahí entró a Supply Chain. Entonces de haber tomado varias posiciones de gerencia, digamos en el área comercial, pues me dieron la oportunidad de ser promovido a director de Supply Chain para Mattel México


[00:09:44] Es algo que tú buscaste activamente, porque digo pasando incluso por marketing, que es totalmente diferente. Cómo? Cómo se da tu transición a Supply Chain?


[00:09:56] Se dio muy natural porque cuando yo llevaba esa administration, pues está como muy vinculada a su play y entonces pues me metía mucho en deman planning, me metía muy en su pipeline y cosas como que me metía, me metía, me metía y si bien nunca había estado en su plan Chain, como que se vio que ahí tenía cierta habilidad. Y el segundo es, por ejemplo, cuando yo llevaba ventas, yo era el único de ventas que al final del año tenía presupuesto, o sea, como que y eso, eso creo que es un insight, pero cada función tiene como cierto personalidad o cierto skill sets dentro de la gente, no? Los de finanzas tienen cierta forma de pensar, de razonar, de respetar, etc. ventas, marketing, etc. Entonces el de ventas está vendiendo lo más que puede con el presupuesto que tiene y es, inclusive está comprometiendo el presupuesto del siguiente año. No, no y yo era el único que como que planeaba, o sea, mejor tratar de buscar la rentabilidad de mi cliente. Trataba de mejorar los inventarios de mi cliente, los nuestros. La rentabilidad como que un una visión, yo diría un poquito más holística no? Entonces era este y al final del año y literalmente yo era el único que tenía presupuesto. Entonces como que yo creo que. No es que activamente yo lo hubiera pedido, pero yo creo que la Dirección General se dio cuenta de que yo tenía otra forma de procesar entonces y había ciertas oportunidades en Supply Chain.


[00:11:28] Bueno, by the way y eso también es para los que son muy jóvenes. Eso no les tocó antes no existía Supply Chain, era operaciones y mucho. La mentalidad que había era mover las cajas. O sea, el que mueve las cajas es el de operaciones. Claro, porque antes mucho planning iba más hacia finanzas, porque planning está relacionado a inventarios y como inventario tiene un costo de capital, pues decían que le reporta finanzas. Entonces como que operaciones era la logística o era el flujo del producto? Y la planeación estaba por otro lado. Entonces no es hasta que se diga como en los noventas, donde dicen haber supply chain, que qué significa? Pues eso. Si tú le conectas planning a la operación, entonces ya tienes un sistema que puedes optimizar. Claro. No, no, nada más es ejecutar. Cuando tú haces la planeación y ejecutas un sistema, lo que puedes optimizar. Entonces, obviamente Procter y las grandes empresas ya llevaban Supply Chain por muchos años, pero Mattel seguía con esa idea de operaciones y de hecho la dirección llenaba de operaciones y este, como yo venía de comercial, dieron la oportunidad de que yo tomara planeación, tomara operaciones y entonces se cambió por primera vez el título de Director de operaciones a director de su CHAIN.


[00:12:55] Y Villaguay, este México dentro de todo el mundo, Mattel fue el primer país en tomar esta estructura, como que fue el laboratorio de Mattel a nivel mundial. Para este poner esta estructura, este me tocó a mí. Creo que fue un doble reto, por lo que digo, porque fue la primera vez que Planeación y Operación estuvo junto o logística, pero también yo antes era gerente o gerente senior y fue mi primera experiencia como líder funcional, no director. Este reportando al General Manager que ese cambio particular es un cambio súper difícil. Si es el más brutal. No sé si difícil, pero es el más retador, porque tienes que cambiar tu estilo de liderazgo, tienes que cambiar un poco cómo construyes consensos. Este es el cambio que yo he considerado que es más complejo en mi carrera. Después de ahí estuve cuatro años en México. La va muy bien. Estoy con un equipo súper fuerte del cual estoy súper orgulloso, muy buenos resultados, etcétera. Y en base a los resultados este de México como subsidiaria, nos empezaron a dar el resto de Latinoamérica. Primero nos dieron todo menos Brasil y después nos dieron este Brasil inclusive y ya llevamos toda Latinoamérica.


[00:14:24] Y en base a esos resultados me invitaron para que llevara fuera el primer pipí de su plan de Estados Unidos. Estados Unidos es alrededor del 50 por ciento a la venta. Entonces lo que se ve hecho como para mí. Bueno, ahí voy a retrasar un poco. México fue el primer país en tomar Supply Chain y después, poco a poco Europa empezó a tomar el modelo, así empezó a tomar el modelo. Este es el resto del mundo, ya tenía ese modelo, pero Estados Unidos por ser el corporativo y. Un poquito más, es una organización muy grande, pero les llevó más tiempo, pues seguían teniendo la estructura vieja. Entonces me invitan para formarme como vicepresidente, para llevar Supply Chain de Norteamérica a Estados Unidos y Canadá. Y replicando un poco el modelo ahí, más complejo aún, porque por ser el corporativo existe hoy un poquito más de política que uno debe de cuidar y por el tamaño y el es un poquito más lento el cambio. Si bien en Latinoamérica yo creo que la. Como ventaja competitiva, el ritmo de ejecución y qué tan rápido podíamos tomar decisiones porque había muchísima autonomía y en el corporativo, etcétera, creo que tienes que aprender otras habilidades, no? Ahí estuve dos años y de ahí me fui a otra juguetera


[00:15:51] Y ahí el corporativo estaba también en California.


[00:15:53] El Esa sí es una torre de 15 pisos y ahí estaba armando el corporativo como la subsidiaria norteamericana, y ahora había una división sumamente delgada.


[00:16:05] Oye, qué orgullo no ser también no solo el primero que lo implementó a nivel mundial en México siendo mexicanos, sino también el primero en hacerlo en Estados Unidos, algo interesante de ser el primero y romper estos paradigmas. Me imagino que de otro cambio, viniendo de México, encargado de toda Latinoamérica. Luego encargarte del puesto en Estados Unidos para Norteamérica. Qué sentí en ese momento que, aparte de la responsabilidad tan grande que tenías, me imagino que fue mucho orgullo siendo mexicano, llegar a un puesto de tanta relevancia. Cómo fue un poco ahí el cambio cultural? Cuando llegas a Estados Unidos?


[00:16:48] Este mira fue retador. 1 Porque estás moviendo a tu familia, no? O sea, hay o sea en adicional al tema profesional está también el tema familiar. Entonces mis hijas tenían hace 5 años, 6 y 5 años y un año antes. A Lucía, la más chiquita de mis dos hijas, le habían detectado con diabetes tipo 1. Entonces veníamos como quería ese tema. Y después al siguiente año movernos que fue fue positivo porque el tratamiento desafortunadamente o afortunadamente para mi, pero no desafortunadamente aquí está más avanzado. Entonces bueno, si fue positivo el cambio de cuanto el de su bomba de insulina, su monitor, este todo el tratamiento y todo el apoyo que nos dio el Childrens Hospital. Pero veníamos de un estrés como familia, no con la diabetes, acoplarnos y después cambiarnos de país, etcétera. Entonces ahí sí esa parte soy un poco compleja. La otra es. Yo tenía una idea de lo que hice en México, con ciertas variables que te digo de toma de decisiones, de muy rápida ejecución, y aquí era un ambiente un poquito más de post, más lento en la toma de decisiones, pero no tanta autonomía y también un poco una política que había que cuidar, no? Entonces si el orgullo, si no te lo quita nadie, este.


[00:18:25] Pero rápidamente tienes que entender que no era un copy paste o no era replicar exactamente lo que ya se había hecho, no este. Pero bueno, habrá mucho aprendizaje. Aprender a trabajar con otra cultura que ya lo había hecho cuando tomó Latinoamérica. Entiendes que el colombiano en su cultura no es igual al chileno, ni igual al peruano, ni al argentino, ni al brasileño, que son como los países con los que tuve la fortuna de trabajar. Igualmente todos exitosos. Namás la forma de procesar la información, la forma de interrelacionarse, etcétera, es diferente. Y tienes que entender que el americano también es diferente. No existe la barrera. Aquí se dio un poco el lenguaje, no este. Todos hemos aprendido inglés de alguna cierta forma, pero una cosa es aprender en el colegio, así que estar aquí y juntas diez horas de juntas en inglés, en inglés, al principio para mí Ciara. Honestamente, sí, era un poco cansado.


[00:19:33] No estaba tratando de replicar un modelo que puedes acabas de desarrollar en otro país y ahora lo tienes que adaptar tanto a su forma de trabajo como a su cultura y explicarlo bien en otro idioma. Entonces eso también es todo un reto.


[00:19:48] Sí, Laura, sí, un súper reto. Entonces de ahí ya. Bueno, después de dos años me salí y me decido salir del Este, me voy a otra juguetera ahí creo que el aprendizaje que tomé y ese sería otro de mis insights para para que no se esté viendo, es. Cuando tú trabajas en una empresa, buen empresa, no los Unilever, Nestlé, etcétera. Hay cierto. Como normas de comportamiento que tú das por sentadas. No, pero en mi caso mater, claro. Y como que no puse o no ponía tanta atención en validar la cultura. Y entonces es súper, súper, súper importante que cuando tomen una decisión de cambiar de empresa, que entiendo que las nuevas generaciones son mucho más abiertas a cambiar de empresa cada dos, tres años están abiertos a cambiar que validen en la cultura.


[00:20:52] La cultura es un tema importantísimo y bueno, de hecho tengo una particular atracción por, por, por las empresas y la cultura en las empresas, el desarrollo de los empleados dentro de una empresa, cómo, cómo definirías tú una buena cultura en una empresa y cómo con tus puestos o a lo largo de tu carrera profesional? Cómo has logrado empujar para que se tenga una buena cultura, que serían las claves para alinear un poco la cultura con la visión del negocio?


[00:21:23] Claro, mira a ver, yo, como diría una cultura es como. Las normas en una casa. No sé si me explico. Si no se grita, no se golpea. Esa es, esa es esa básicas con que son esas reglas de para que una casa pueda funcionar bien, pues ese es el mínimo indispensable para que una compañía pueda funcionar bien. Entonces, cómo se maneja el conflicto? Abierto por abajo, no por la espalda, etc.. Cómo se maneja este el estrés, este que sí está permitido y que no está permitido? Cuando yo hago entrevistas, o sea, cuando yo estoy entrevistando para un puesto, no es cuando entreviste a alguien, es lo que pregunta a ver cómo se maneja el conflicto. Oigo platicaba en la Junta más difícil que hayan tenido y tienen quién habló, quién habló, etc. Todo es comercio o sin. Así es como y por eso diría como tú analizas un ahorita está muy de moda la constelación o como tú analizas un sistema familiar, bueno, ese mismo. De cierta forma ese mismo análisis es lo que tú tienes que hacer para una empresa. Eso es lo que yo llamaría la cultura. Pero hay algo más. Tú también tienes que conocerte y saber cuál es la cultura en la que tú mejor te desempeñas. Capacitor es una persona muy frontal y aceite, azúcar. Así creciste tú, te avientas y dices las cosas como son.


[00:22:58] Si te vas a una cultura hipersensible. O simplemente va a durar mucho sin poder ser exitoso? La gente te va a ver como muy rudo o al contrario, si en tu casa nunca aprendiste a manejar el conflicto y toda la y llegas a una empresa donde todos no digo que metas mal, pero todo es como muy rudo, muy confrontativo, pues capaz que no es el mejor lugar para ti. Que adicional a eso, que no es tanto de cultura, pero sí relacionado a que te conozcas bien tu, tu personalidad, pero Tamientos Hills, o sea tus habilidades, que sepas cual es la mejor empresa para ti. Y ahí más o menos he pensado algo. Y a ver si está abierto la discusión, si estando fuera o no, pero ante el. Qué están sobre mercado todas las empresas tienen tres cosas People bueno, gente, procesos y sistemas no? Y la coloque. La combinación de las tres es lo que hace que el éxito o el fracaso de cualquier empresa. Hay gente que funciona muy bien, con procesos muy apretados. Y hay gente que se asfixia, que dice esto no es para mí no, y se prefiere ambientes más relajados, donde hay más creatividad y más innovación, y si bien no todo está mapeado, salen cosas y las tienes que solucionar y el bombazo y en el medio hay un infinito.


[00:24:27] Ok, tú te debes de conocer. Tienes entonces ahí mi receta de cocina es qué tan intensivo sea el capital de la industria o la empresa donde vayas estar va a definir tanto los procesos como los sistemas. Lo que se me ocurre en ese ejemplo es automotriz. Obviamente esto de montar una planta de automotriz, pues me imagino que son millones de dólares. No sé cuánto sea, pero han de ser muchos millones para los todo, como el inversionista invierte millones o billones de dólares en una planta. Los procesos y los sistemas tienen que ser perfectos. Entonces tú necesitas gente que sea como un reloj suizo. No se puede desviar absolutamente nada, porque si no, el costo de capital entonces sufre. Y hay gente que le funciona bien. Yo en lo particular creo que no me vendería este, pero está bien. Y por otro lado, hay otras empresas donde el costo de capital es casi nulo. Pasa, imagínate alguien en una cocina haciendo la mezcla y llenando las botellitas, no? Imaginen, imaginemos. Obviamente, el incentivo a tener procesos y sistemas robustos es nulo. Va a ser sumamente flexible. Entonces tú te tienes que conocer y tratar de ubicarte en esa industria donde tú puedas ser exitoso. Ahí yo lo que diría es tratar de que en la casa de los ciegos el tuerto es el rey.


[00:25:53] Entonces, si tú te pones ligeramente arriba en términos de capital. No, perdón, si tú te pones ligera. Si tú buscas una empresa ligeramente abajo de tu nivel de competencia en procesos y sistemas, tú vas a ser el tuerto de los ciegos. Claro, claro. Pero si haces el error y te pones en una empresa donde el capital esté ligeramente por arriba de tus competencias. No vas a estar un poquito deficiente porque todo va a estar hablando de los Six Sigma, si vas a estar hablando de una sofisticación, del refinamiento, de los procesos y de las decisiones, y tú vas a estar con falta de conocimiento técnico para ser eficiente. Claro, ahora no hay ni bueno ni malo. Porque si tú agarras a alguien de la automotriz y lo pones en una industria de este lado o revienta, no como que a ver, pero explícame dónde está el manual de procedimientos. No, no hay nada más. Tienes que resolver que tienes 50 contenedores parados en el puerto y los tienes que traer para ayer porque tienes que embarcar a Walmart porque la orden vence el lunes. Entonces no es porque de repente tenemos ese sesgo de pensar que la automotriz es el perfecto, no? O sea, en términos diferentes es diferente y nada más. Conoce muy bien. Para que sepas cual es donde tu puedes brillar mejor.


[00:27:22] Es una excelente recomendación para todos los que nos están escuchando y comparto tu forma de verlo y creo que la forma en que lo explicaste es bastante didáctica y fácil de entender. Creo que al final de cuentas lo más difícil entonces de la carrera profesional de alguien, pues no es tanto la parte externa, sino el la introspección y el conocerte a ti mismo. Y la verdad. Hablo por mí, pero muchas veces nos da flojera o lo dejamos siempre. Al final siempre estamos tratando de resolver cosas externas con todo mundo clientes, proveedores, familia, esposa, etcétera y esa introspección es la que normalmente dejamos al final. Entonces es es muy muy buen comentario para que la gente lo piense y y le dedique un poco de atención, porque eso es lo que te puede hacer exitoso y te puede hacer disfrutar tu trabajo, que me imagino que es lo que te hizo pasar a la siguiente etapa de tu vida, me imagino.


[00:28:20] Sí, y tú lo haces muy bien. Lo que te va a permitir ser exitoso, pero sobre todo disfrutar el trabajo. Sí, porque si no estás en el lugar correcto vas a sufrir. Es mucho estrés, no lo entiendes? Disfrutarlo creo que es lo más importante.


[00:28:38] Si se nota, al final cuenta y los clientes lo notan y no lo notan y se vuelve, se vuelve un trabajo por el dinero que obviamente todos necesitamos. El dinero.


[00:28:49] Estamos.


[00:28:50] Pero. Pero si se deja un poco de lado el que estés disfrutando o desarrollando intelectual, profesionalmente, culturalmente, lo que sea, pero. Cuéntanos más, por favor, Humberto, entonces no sales de la otra juguetería?


[00:29:04] Bueno, si lo que pasó mucho tiempo, si


[00:29:08] Eras, eras el automotriz en el. En la empresa automotriz


[00:29:13] Y de ahí este, tuve la oportunidad de entrar a Stories, que es otra juguetera cultura australiana extraordinaria. Y quién no? Si alguien tiene oportunidad de trabajar para australianos se lo recomiendo. Muy informal, como muy. Como no hay tanta como tanta jerarquía. O sea, me gustó, me gustó la empresa, nada más. Ahí yo era el encargado de Senovilla del global de Sanofi, una empresa de juguetera de tamaño medio y no tenían de hablar muy de esos desarrolladores en Office, que creo que es lo que le pasa a muchas empresas. Usan el nombre fenotipos. Suena bonito, pero no, no había mucho.


[00:29:55] Qué es en Haití para los que


[00:29:57] Están escuchadores en Operations Planning Project, que es para mí es como. Bueno, uno de los procesos era obviamente el sesgo protector de Supply Chain, pero para mí sería uno de los procesos más importantes de cualquier compañía, porque no es otra cosa más que tomar el input de ventas o el forex después de bueno, que cualquier cosa que tengas de marketing, de promociones, etcétera. O sea, meter todos los inputs de toda la compañía Finanzas, Supply, etcétera, y juntar al management de la compañía y decir bueno, esto es lo que estamos en base al forcas que tenemos, los inventarios que tenemos, etcétera. Esta es la foto que tenemos y de ahí tomar decisiones de cualquier decisión comercial que tenga alguna promoción o si quieres ir y incrementar tus semanas de inventario o cualquier decisión, es para mí como si fuera un aeropuerto, la torre de control de cualquier empresa para tomar las mejores decisiones. Este eje se sanofi. Entonces estuve ahí muy contento, pero de ahí salió la oportunidad de venir a priori Counter, que es donde estoy actualmente. El rol es decir este sino que pide Supply Chain, es que no nomás es llevar en OPI, sino llevar logística, llevó planning, llevó surfing. También me dieron customer experience beauty country see commerce. Entonces Customer experience es importantísimo. Entonces, claro, también tengo la fortuna de que lo llevo y aparte también soy responsable de todo el Project Management que lleva el Product Lunch, el lanzamiento de nuevos productos entonces, pues es un rol mucho más


[00:31:44] Integral,


[00:31:45] Integral de lo que tenían


[00:31:46] Muchísimas, muchísimas cosas a tu cargo


[00:31:49] Y que era muy parecido a lo que yo llevaba en mis experiencias pasadas. Entonces creo que era la decisión correcta. Y bueno, ahí, ahí hay otra, otra razón más. No sé si a todo el mundo le pase, pero cuando trabajas para una empresa y especialmente en Supply Chain, al menos yo tenía mucha inquietud, como de sustentabilidad, no de medioambiente, etc. Pero pues tratas de hablar con tu jefe en lo que fuera y te dicen bueno, y el costo no es cierto. Todavía no da. No entiendo que las tecnologías van innovando, pero todavía no hemos llegado a este punto de inflexión. Entonces es como que cosa te gusta mucho tu trabajo, pero sabes que no es tan sustentable como te gustaría. Y de ahí yo aprendí que existe algo que se llama Lobby Corporation, que es muy fuerte en Estados Unidos también tienen presencia en Australia. En Europa no se que tanto en Latinoamérica, pero Big Corporation. Nestlé es el Big Corporation más grande que hay en el mundo. Este íbid de Benefit Benefit Corporation es empresas que deciden que su rentabilidad no es el único objetivo de sus estatutos, sino definen que en un benefit corporación, en una forma más amplia que implica impacto social, impacto al medio ambiente y otros, definitivamente la rentabilidad de la compañía, pero es un enfoque mucho más holístico. Entonces yo lo que dije es la próxima compañía en la que yo trabaje, va a ser un Big Corporation. Qué bien tiene que tener la cultura, que yo creo que va muy ligado a Big Corporation, porque parte del Big Corporación es evaluar la cultura de las compañías y va a ser un rol que me quiero cambiar de industria en su momento y que creo que ya los juguetes ya, ya


[00:33:45] Él es el experto en todos los juguetes.


[00:33:48] Es entonces este me quiero cambiar de industria y Eric Counters me trajo las tres cosas. No estoy actualmente estoy muy contento, es una muy buena empresa. Somos los líderes en Clan Beauty este eliminamos mil ochocientos químicos de nuestros productos y haciéndolos efectivos porque no son placebos, son productos que son efectivos en la industria de cosméticos. Pero eliminamos mil ochocientos químicos que tienen, que tienen, que tenemos, que se supone que son dañinos para las personas, no es así?


[00:34:24] Y vuelves a lo mismo. Bueno, me me gusta recordar cómo tus inicios a la actualidad de todo lo que has ido aprendiendo en diferentes puestos, en los lugares en los que has estado, para y lo que decías de conocerte a ti mismo para poder decir bueno, ahora el siguiente paso en mi carrera es este y poder implementarlo. Y creo que algo que me gustaría también mencionar de esta industria, que es muy bonito pero a veces complicado, es que tenemos que saber tomar decisiones. Entonces tanto la parte personal como la profesional llega a un punto que dices ok, ahora que sí que quiero esto para mí, y no solo te quedaste en la idea de bueno, me gustaría ser más sustentable, sino que lo llevas a cabo. Entonces eso es lo que hace muchísima diferencia a veces entre pues lograr tus metas o solo quedarte a la mitad del camino. Y bueno, ahorita donde estás, y considerando cómo está el mundo actual con la pandemia? Bueno, todos los retos que hemos tenido. Qué piensas que va a pasar en el futuro? Cómo ves la situación logística para el próximo año? No sé qué crees que va a pasar.


[00:35:36] Ok, antes de contestarte tu pregunta, quiero hacer una aclaración por qué me decías que qué bueno que yo activamente decido y ahí creo que yo tengo dos etapas. Cuando yo trabajaba en Mattel, al inicio, cuando estaba en Comercial, la verdad me promovían o me daban una asignación nueva cada año, como que yo era el pitcher que arreglaba coches, entonces cada año tenía un rol diferente y la verdad es que no es que yo me preocupara por mi carrera, o sea, yo sabía que como yo pensaba que estaba ahí papá, este es el el manager este como que poniendo y de ahí pues todo lo que la secuencia que les acabo de platicar, pero cuando saco de Mattel. Ahí como que hubo como un cambio de mentalidad, es decir, no tienes que empezar a ver por tu carrera este y a partir de ahí ya es que pasó todo esto que les estoy platicando. No, no les estoy diciendo a. A las personas que nos están escuchando, que lo tienen que hacer así, creo que era una oportunidad de mi parte, que yo creo que fui un poco pasivo posiblemente, pero la verdad es que en la carrera iba como ascendente, entonces nunca, nunca tuve como esa preocupación, pero bueno, no me aparece como confesarme y hacer la aclaración, pero creo que sí será importante. Más bien te tocaría Take Away de que sí, de que cada quien tiene que ver por su carrera y más ahorita donde esos planes de permanecer en una compañía por 16 años como yo lo hice. Pues la verdad es que ya no, el mercado laboral es mucho más flexible ahorita. Entonces sí creo que más bien fue algo generacional. Ahorita ya cada quien tiene que tomar su propia este si su propia carrera en sus manos,


[00:37:27] Incluso dentro de las mismas empresas, porque hay algunas que también ya existe la apertura de opinar, levantar la mano, decir a ver, yo creo que podríamos mejorar esto. Y justo es esa parte de la cultura de las empresas saber que estás en un lugar correcto para ti también poder crecer, proponer, porque si hay empresas que están abiertas, a ver, oye, pues no tenemos que ser cuadrados, no vamos mejorando y te dejan tomar esas decisiones y es algo muy padre también poder aprender dentro de la misma empresa. A veces, incluso hoy en día, que a veces se escucha que hay gente que cambia muchísimo de trabajo. Pero bueno, hablo por los millenials, pero yo también me identifico como alguien que sí me gusta la industria, me apasiona mi trabajo, me encanta el lugar donde estoy, pero también sé que puedo crecer muchísimo y aprender de diferentes áreas y que si levanta la mano y tengo una propuesta buena, se va a tomar en cuenta entonces. Qué padre o saber cómo diferentes? A final de cuentas, tú empezaste en el mismo lugar y la carrera te fue llevando algo que te encantaba y ya después cambiaste el chip a decir bueno, ahora quiero hacer esto, pero también hoy hay tantas formas de llegar a donde quieres estar y de seguir mejorando, que es súper interesante escucharlo. Y ahora si te vuelvo a preguntar


[00:38:43] Robin Si,


[00:38:45] Exacto. O sea, es que es imposible no hablar del tema. Yo sé que lo hemos escuchado mil veces, pero bueno, que ha sido todo un reto en la industria. Dos mil veintidós. Qué crees que suceda?


[00:38:58] Ok, antes de contestarte Javier, déjame platicar. A ver, creo que esto ya se venía gestando inclusive antes de COBIT, creo y es mi opinión, no? O sea, simplemente una opinión, no este. Cómo puede haber mi. Eh? A ver, porque todo esto es el comercio marítimo, es un reloj suizo. No, o los flujos de T entre continente, país, etcétera. Es como una meca, como un mecanismo de demanda en su peli y se va ajustando con rapidez. Así perfecto, no? Y eso ha permitido que las tarifas bajaran y bajaran y bajaran y el costo por milla recorrida no era igual, porque obviamente un Asia de Asia América, pues es más caro que los vacíos que tienes que mover contenedores vacíos. Y en eso José Enrique puede dar como cátedra. No existe, pero si me explico. Es una sofisticación que llevó muchísimos años llegar a ese refinamiento, porque vas ajustando tarifas, etcétera, para asegurarte que el vacío pueda regresar a donde lo necesitas, etcétera. No, creo que para mí todo empezó un poquito cuando lo bueno strong la administración declara la guerra a China y empieza a subir aranceles. En ese momento empezó lo que se exporta de Estados Unidos hacia China, pues ya no fue así y empezó a ver como ciertas distorsiones. Y no hace siempre que se está de acuerdo, pero creo que desde ahí como que empezó a haber ciertas distorsiones que ya no era. O sea, como que no arrancamos en el lugar óptimo, digamos. Obviamente hay inventario buffer de inventario de contenedores y por lo va absorbiendo, pero yo creo que a partir de ahí ya había empezado un problema. Después, dos. Y voy a cambiar un poquito de tema. Pero regresando a mi tema de inquietud, de sustentabilidad. Sí, sí, ya estamos cerca de un tema climático fuerte. En enero del 2020, o sea, dos meses antes de que estalló COBIT, el Banco Central de los bancos centrales, que no me acuerdo como se llama, pero es como todos los principales la Fed de Estados Unidos, el banco, etc. Los principales bancos de Estados Unidos crearon un como Banco Central que es una institución.


[00:41:29] El Fondo Monetario Internacional


[00:41:32] No es ni el Fondo ni el Banco Central tiene otro nombre que Agustín Carstens profesional o eso era el director. Pero en fin, ellos sacaron un paper y hablaron del Green Swan, o sea, el cisne verde. Recordemos que el Black Swan es un término que se acuñó para la crisis del 2008, para decidir que es como el cisne negro que nadie vio venir, que fue la crisis hipotecaria de Estados Unidos. Y de ahí, de ahí salió el Black Swan, por cierto. Pero este paper, que es como de 80 páginas, habla de que la próxima crisis mundial va a empezar a ser Greenspan. Y somos cisnes verdes, porque por ecológicos, por disrupciones ecológicas que podrían ser huracanes. Lo que tú quieras. Inundaciones, etcétera. No es de aquí, ojo. De quién viene? Del Banco Central de Bancos Centrales. Lo que les está diciendo a los bancos centrales es que ellos tienen que crear políticas de políticas monetarias, bla, bla, bla, para empezar a hacer frente a crisis económicas que van a haber por temas ecológicos. Y COBIT fue el primer GREENS. Cisne Verde o no? La verdad no lo sé. O sea, obviamente eso creo que no se sabe. Lo que sí se sabe es que hemos roto ecosistemas, no un murciélago que está en una jungla, ahí vive.


[00:43:12] Pero si se acaba la jungla, pues el murciélago tiene que emigrar. Ahora, si ese fue el origen o no, no lo sabemos. Pero el tema, por lo que lo traigo a colación es porque tenemos COBIT, pero ya el Banco Central de Bancos Centrales, que son los financieros, que son los que buscan estabilidad. No, no es una teoría conspiratoria de nadie. En enero de 2020 está diciendo pónganse las pilas porque van a venir este disruptores debido a fenómenos ecológicos, no por fenómenos naturales. Inclusive en alguna parte, el PP pone que esto podría poner en riesgo la existencia de la raza humana. Una cosa sí, pero bueno, otra vez, repito, no es. E La fuente es una fuente que típicamente es excesivamente seria en no que no sale a la ligera cualquier cosa. Entonces no sé por qué este Pepper salió desapercibido, no? Ahora si tu pregunta perdón joven, el 22 y 23, pero ya antes de contestar la pregunta, cómo gozamos de muchísima estabilidad en el pasado? También nos mal acostumbramos y empezamos a tomar como la industria automotriz, como nuestro. No como nuestro rol de no deber ser y empezamos a construir su plan Chetniks, que eran muy complicadas, se produzca una materia prima aquí en Vietnam y de ahí la mandó a India para que le hagan 2 3 máquinas y de ahí lo mando a China y después lo lleva a Estados Unidos.


[00:45:01] Entonces. Y por qué? Porque nos acostumbramos a vivir en un ambiente de estabilidad. Y de estabilidad, de incertidumbre. Entonces, por dos centavos, por tres centavos, hacemos la decisión que sea y empezamos a construir su plan. James Como muy frágiles. Muy largas con Lita. Sumamente largos, con una complejidad inmensa. Este no es tu caso. Un coche checas. Cuántos componentes y de cuántas empresas y de qué de diferentes países viene? Pues es un. Es un rompecabezas que tienes que armar. Pues estaba bien porque el mundo en el pasado era sumamente cierto. No certidumbre era no la estabilidad económica, estabilidad política, estabilidad social. Todo estaba ahí. Pero a partir de ahorita tenemos que acostumbrarnos que esas reglas del juego cambiaron y creo que COBIT es el primero, pero van a venir más. Entonces, qué es lo que tenemos que hacer? Es reducir listas. Entonces ya eso de que tu componente de Asia porque es súper barato, puede ser que no sea la mejor opción. No? Entonces este hacer con este me leadthings más cortos. Segundo, digitalización. O sea, entiendo que en Latinoamérica estamos como.


[00:46:28] Un poquito atrás,


[00:46:29] Poquito atrás, pero bueno, también, no crean que aquí es muy diferente, pero si bien nos va. Tenemos visibilidad de nuestro proveedor. No, ahorita te tienes que ir. Cuál es la visibilidad del proveedor de tu proveedor? Sea Second Fire. Para empezar a ver un poquito cómo este construir el sistema de Supply Chain, pero no solo dentro de tu empresa, sino de todo el sistema. O sea, desde la materia prima prima prima hasta el producto final. Eso lo vamos a tener que hacer y está en la tecnología, está blockchain, etc. O sea, hay forma de empezarlo a hacer nada más va a llevar tiempo. Entonces creo que vamos a tener que cambiar. No me voy a meter mucho a eso. Bueno, no es un tema rápido. Este mismo señor que sacó el Black Swan también trajo un nuevo. Concepto que se llama mente anti fragilidad. Por qué es que contra lo frágil se definió lo resiliente? Noc, que significa un puente, que es la resiliencia, no es el temblor. El puente se mueve, pero regresa a su estado original. Sostenía frágil contra resistente y él dice no, la nueva, lo que tenemos que hacer es anti fragilidad, que serían sistemas que evolucionan. A Posterior al destructor, o sea, en la analogía del puente tienes el temblor, el puente aprende de que se movió mucho y entonces, en lugar de ser un puente o simplemente un puente, así vamos a suponer de un ejemplo que tengo de eso. Por ejemplo, tus músculos. Cuando haces pesas se rompe el músculo literalmente. Entonces el músculo aprende y se hace más grande. Ante el disruptor, el músculo va creciendo que desde el proceso de pesas no este entonces. A ver, es un concepto novedoso y no se aplicó mucho a su plan, pero tenemos que ir aprendiendo, o sea, con toda la información digital, porque tenemos ya información en tiempo real. Lo que sí es importantísimo es nada más, hay que conectar la información en tiempo real, etc.. Podemos ir creando, evolucionando, a crear supply chains, que sean anti frágiles, que ante el disruptor podamos ir tomando decisiones en tiempo real para hacer el sistema mucho más robusto.


[00:49:06] Sí que podría ser, tal vez, no sé ahorita que mencionabas y ciertos hay sobre todo en industrias manufactureras o de maquila, pues se ven involucrados diferentes países, diferentes medios de transporte y pues tal vez antes era más barato hacerlo así, pero tal vez ahora en cuestiones de tiempo y de seguridad, de que vas a tener la materia prima o el stock, pues incluso puedes tal vez desarrollar a ver este, no sé, esta tela igual y la podemos hacer en el país donde se va a maquillar o traemos los insumos acá la fabricamos, no sé, o saber formas de recortar un poquito, tanta triangulación de material o no sé, mejor trae la maquinaria acá o tal vez no sea incrementar un poquito los sueldos de los maquiladoras para no tener que producir en otro país. Y tal vez eso te cuesta menos que todo. No sé el rollo de fletes, pero supongo que es un poquito a eso a dónde quieres llegar, si es que estoy entendiendo bien.


[00:50:05] Eso es reducir Typekit que sí, ya creo que todas las empresas están haciendo carsharing, como que se puso de moda, no? Y este faltaría obviamente que que se empiece a crear una infraestructura regional o local para poderlo hacer. Eso sería producir ítems, que es lo que tú mencionaste. Anti fragilidad sería más bien. Dado que no todas las compañías lo tienen, pero dado que mucha de la información que vas a empezar a recibir es en tiempo real, porque tienes este blockchain, tienes la. O sea, tiene ya la tecnología está ahí como para que todo el sistema, el ecosistema de su planchen, estemos conectados a nivel global. Lo que tenemos que hacer es que cuando llegue el disruptor, en este caso fue COBIT, que automáticamente el sistema esté evolucionando para hacerse más fuerte. No te puedo decir que es porque apenas es un concepto como nuevo. Pero por ejemplo. Pues no lo sé, no, la verdad es que en parte me arrepiento de decir doy un ejemplo, pero es más como un concepto que creo que irlo refinando.


[00:51:19] Este qué es lo que aprendemos de toda esta pandemia y el problema que tenemos en los puertos o en la infraestructura de los países, en todo lo que. O sea que para allá creo que nos estás dando una visión no sólo del 2022 como la pregunta lo indicaba, sino más bien una visión más general de lo mejor los próximos 20 años. Creo que creo que ahí es a donde va a seguir desarrollándose el puesto de Supply Chain de Split. Quizás a alguien de su Chain va a tener que entender este concepto de anti fragilidad que está bastante, bastante interesante y de hecho trataremos de incluir algunas de las notas y a ver si encontramos el artículo también del Green Sun. Para ponerlo en las notas de la entrevista, mándanos hilo con los


[00:52:03] Datos de la entrevista. Si las guías y esto que hablo de fragilidad, debería venir apoyado por machine learning. Simple cosa. Ya una vez que tengas el sistema conectado, el sistema, un machine learning o alguna otra herramienta, la inteligencia artificial es lo que permitiría el sistema evolucionar. Pero a ver si como dice Enrique, no es 2022 ni 23, pero creo que es algo que viene. Ahora sí voy a contestar la pregunta 23 y solo soy yo. O sea, no, pero a ver, en la parte de comercio marítimo hemos visto otras crisis. No es la primera vez que se da. No, no en esta magnitud, pero sí se ha dado. Yo lo que creo es. El próximo año los Reyes se van a mantener muy parecidos. Pero el servicio va a ir mejorando gradualmente. O sea que un primer cuarto, el segundo cuarto, pero todavía dar algo ahí. De de temas de servicio. Pero espero yo que ya para la temporada del siguiente año ya va a ser un tema de que estás pagando mucho por el servicio, pero ya es buen servicio, pero ya va a haber buen servicio. Este y qué va a ser que como las tarifas tan altas. Este, pues ese dinero lo van a invertir en precisamente en corregir este de los este, el balance que tienen de contener a los a nivel mundial, no? Y también entiendo que es un tema de transporte local que no están teniendo.


[00:53:41] Si no, pues se va a tener que corregir entonces este. O sea, hay dinero en el sistema porque están pagando tarifas excesivamente altas que van a corregir el tema de servicio, no de coste. Y no sería hasta 2023 ya con un servicio corregido que las tarifas por oferta y demanda van a empezar a mejorar. Yo lo que estoy haciendo internamente es estoy dividiendo. Como que todos los movimientos que tenemos en dos uno es efectos inflacionarios de lo que le llamo yo Supply Chain Supply Demand Time Balance, osea un balance de la oferta y la demanda. Por qué? Porque un in balance de oferta y demanda es temporal. Sea como las tarifas marítimas suben, pero van a bajar, van a bajar. No sabemos cuánto, pero van a bajar. Pero un efecto inflacionario ese se va a mantener en el tiempo. Por ejemplo, pongo un ejemplo hay un poquito de incremento en salarios en ese es inflacionario, no va a bajar. Ese lo debes de proyectar y debe estar en tu sistema porque ya sabes que se va a mantener y va a ir subiendo. Pero la parte marítima sabes que va a subir y va a bajar. Es entender cuando empieza a tener presión de costo, saber de dónde viene. Te va a permitir saber. Cómo negociar?


[00:55:17] Claro, quería ajustar el resto de tu cadena de suministro de acuerdo a eso, pero exactamente.


[00:55:23] Sí, bueno, ahora sí contesté la pregunta o no?


[00:55:27] Si yo creo en mí, en mi punto de vista, creo que no solo contestaste la pregunta, sino abriste millones de otras preguntas al mismo tiempo. Este que me parece no solo muy interesante, sino va a ser el tema de discusión para para los próximos cinco a diez o quince años. No creo que este. Este tema que mencionas es muy interesante y es algo que probablemente tengamos que volverte a molestar en un futuro. A lo mejor en el 2022 o antes para que nos des otra entrevista, porque uno se ve que tienes una experiencia envidiable en la parte logística. Creo que has visto la logística de todo Latinoamérica, de Norteamérica, de Europa o conoces la logística a nivel mundial. 2. Creo que tienes. Una persona muy centrada en quien es, que quiere, donde quiere ser exitoso, que eso es admirable en cualquiera de la industria o trabajo en el que te desempeñe. Y bueno, te agradecemos muchísimo el que hayas querido este platicarnos un poco. Estoy seguro que la gente que escuche esta entrevista o la vea va a estar, va a estar encantada y nada más. Quería agradecerte por tu tiempo.


[00:56:41] Si, ya. Sí, bueno, si puedo agregar una última pregunta, yo sé que ya nos excedimos un poco, pero es que tengo que aprovechar que estás aquí. Y eso es más como una pregunta personal. Entonces, si tú pudieras regresar el tiempo veinte años atrás o quince años atrás con el Humberto de aquel entonces, cuál sería el consejo que le darías? Pueden ser para su vida personal o profesional, pero que es algo que te dirías a ti mismo que pueda ayudar a todos los que nos están escuchando.


[00:57:22] Ok, yo creo que se dos cosas. Una es muy personal para mí. Pero posiblemente alguien que nos escuche le sirva y creo que al principio de mi carrera. Yo pensaba que todo era como muy o sea, que todo el mundo sabía, o sea la gente arriba, etcétera. Todos sabían lo que estaban haciendo y que todo el mundo, o sea que las cosas eran más complejas de lo que yo creía. Entonces como que me quedaba callado en muchas juntas, como que cómo? Cómo se dice? Estaba apantallado? Puede ser, esto puede ser. Y después fui creciendo. No? Entonces. O sea, a mí. Yo debería ser más audaz y abierta temas y participa más en las juntas y danby y. Y dar tu punto de vista. Etcétera. Que creo que las nuevas generaciones no tienen ese problema. Entonces este. Pero ese sería un consejo para mí. Pero el otro consejo que me daría y que afortunadamente de cierta forma lo he cumplido. Es. Porque muchos de los que estamos en su país somos como aliviados por objetivos, como que lo que nos gusta es resolver y todo, y cuando eres así. Posiblemente lo que estás buscando es como ese objetivo san cuando yo sea vicepresidente o cuando yo sea y estás totalmente enfocado a eso.


[00:58:59] Y yo creo que el consejo que me daría es no es tanto como el resultado como disfrutar el camino. O sea, creo que esto existe porque si es que cuando sea Bepi voy a ser feliz o cuando ya tenga la casa voy a ser feliz, o cuando bla bla bla. Como que estas? Tu felicidad la estás poniendo siempre en el futuro y en algo externo. Y creo que no va así. O sea, creo que tienes que definir. Como que tu vida en una forma más integral no va a estar bien bienestar físico. No hacer ejercicio, bienestar emocional, tener relaciones interpersonales sanas, bienestar espiritual. Cualquier cosa que te definas que sea, no tiene que ser una religión, por supuesto, pero cualquier cosa que tu definas, que es simple cosa definirlo como de una forma más holística y teniendo presente. Y lo demás se irá dando. Pero cuando tú pones todo como en el futuro o en el exterior. Posiblemente vayas a llegar y no sea un poco vacío porque no eran lo que estabas esperando. Entonces este bueno, creo que un poco. La pregunta fue la respuesta a la pregunta fue buena? La respuesta creo que es un poco compleja, pero espero que se entienda,


[01:00:26] No se entiende. Perfecto. Muchísimas gracias. Ahora sí que me quedo con. Con este mensaje tan importante de lo que comentas, que a veces a mí sí me pasa mucho que que digo no es que quiero hacer, estoy, estoy, estoy llegar y de repente también te detienes tantito y dices bueno, pero hay que. O sea, qué hice hoy para mí? O no sé. Tienes que disfrutar todo y es algo que también me encanta de esta industria. Que sí es cansado, sí, es complicado. Tienes que aprender a resolver, pero al mismo tiempo me gusta como me gusta ese espacio. Entonces siento que es algo que todos deberían considerar también para para sus carreras y su vida profesional. Así que ya no te quito más tiempo. Muchísimas gracias por. Por resolver una pregunta más.


[01:01:17] No? Perfecto. Muchas gracias, Mónica y Enrique. Aquí voy a estar cuando quieran. Este es la verdad. Es un gusto. Disfruté mucho la plática y si en algo le puede ayudar a la gente que nos está escuchando, es maravilloso siempre estar disponible para ayudar en lo que se pueda y bueno, compartir mi experiencia.


[01:01:39] Pues muchísimas gracias. Creo que mucha gente a lo mejor va a querer buscar cuál es la mejor manera de contactarte y platicar contigo. Linkedin Me imagino que si hay alguien tiene una duda en particular o algo que quisieran comentarte o o simplemente buscarte, qué sería lo mejor?


[01:02:00] Lo. Lo tengo en línea, o sea, lo reviso diario. Entonces este link tiene Humberto Martínez y si no pongan a The Lovely Counter y seguro va a salir


[01:02:11] Perfecto y pues muchísimas gracias. Es un gran orgullo como mexicano el ver y entrevistar a alguien que no solo compartí parte de la info de la infancia, sino que se ha vuelto una persona muy importante en las cadenas de suministro y en la logística y en el mundo que estamos viviendo. Así que meto. Muchísimas gracias, un gusto y que tengas un bonito día.

Episode Summary

In the first episode of Supply Chain Now en Espanol in 2022, hosts Enrique Alvarez and Monica  Roesch Davila kick off the new season as they welcome the SVP of Supply Chain with Beautycounter, Humberto Martinez, to the show.  Listen and learn how Humberto got his start, his childhood lessons that have served him well in business, and so much more.

Episode Transcript

[00:00:37] Good morning and welcome to another episode of Supply Chain Now. My name is Enrique Alvarez and today we have a very, very interesting guest of honor. But before I tell you who’s good, saying hello to Monica. Monica, how are you? How are you? Good morning.


[00:00:53] Hello Enrique, good morning. Very good. Happy to be here. How about you?


[00:00:57] Perfect and very, very happy about the interview we are going to have. He is a person who has been in logistics all his life or most of his professional career, not only in Mexico, but in the United States, and he has an extremely important position.


[00:01:13] Yes, now he’s got quite an interesting trajectory and we’re going to listen to him.


[00:01:20] All right, well, without further ado, a very warm welcome to Humberto Martinez SDP of Supply Chain for Buddy Kouchner Beto, how are you? How are you?


[00:01:33] Hello, how are you? Hello, Enrique. Hi, Monica.


[00:01:36] Good morning.


[00:01:38] Good morning.


[00:01:41] Well, Humberto, thank you very much for being here. Welcome to the program. We are so glad to have you and well, I’d love to start by telling you a little bit about yourself and your childhood. Where did you grow up in general? Know you?


[00:01:57] Ok, well, yeah well, I was born in Mexico City, I’m Mexican. I was born there, grew up there, married practically everything and 5 years ago I moved here to California, in the United States, and I am the third of four siblings. I mean, I’m the sandwich and the ham sandwich or the cheese. This is a close-knit family, but as fate would have it, the whole family is now living abroad. My brother lives in Spain, I have a sister in Houston, Texas and my parents and my younger sister moved to Aguascalientes. So we are a united family. We’ve been lucky enough to get together when we see each other. It’s very intense, but obviously everyone lives on their own. East. I am married to Mariana, my wife of 14 years and I have two daughters, Jimena, 11 and Lucia, 10. I would consider my childhood to be quite normal. This like any other non middle class person is very normal. There I met Enrique who was the momentanea in Let’s go together from the scales for several years that I think in a way that we knew each other and things of life. Now we have succeeded in what Supply Chain in logistics.


[00:03:32] Very interesting industry in which we somehow managed to reconnect this something in the past, already focusing a little bit more on your career and the position you hold now and for several years. As a young person some experience that helped you form your character or who you were, or that started to give you some kind of foundation to be successful in especially in the logistics part later on.


[00:04:01] Okay, son, I’d say two. One is and I think it would be a bit of scouting and linking it perseverance. I really don’t know why he was going to the camps. Another day is wet. Me, I’m cold. It is to be cold, it is something that bothered me a lot and in the 5-day camp, that is, 5 full nights, right? And I said, but what am I doing here? I’m not coming back? And the next year there it was. So that perseverance, I think that’s where I took this one and the good one and the other one, that I think that end forged my character very strong. I had to start college in ’94. And I don’t know if they remember. Well, many will not remember because they were not born, but there was a very strong economic crisis in the transition from the Salinas government with Zedillo and this the exchange rate was Balboa. My dad was out of work. East. Well, I entered ITAM to study economics, because it wasn’t cheap and I put a topic that there was no money in the house. Then I started to work, but as the economy was destroyed, it’s not like you could come up with a very sophisticated business, right? Because there was no money, right? That’s what we came up with.


[00:05:30] It was supplying food to restaurants and making supermarkets, which is now fashionable, but back then it wasn’t, and we made supermarkets for families. Then give us your list and we’ll go to the central market. We bought everything and they distributed, right? This was my first logistics business. I had no idea, but in the Caribbean that was our picking, because we would buy, we would do this, we would buy in boxes, obviously we would do the picking of the orders, we would go up and then at the beginning, well, I was the driver too. Later on we managed to get a driver, but definitely my my master’s degree was gone. How old would you be? A 19 year old, 18, 19 years in this in having an idea of how a Tucson center works, Formigal to the east and very futuristic, because I think that if that business had happened ten years later, well, maybe right now I wouldn’t work for you, even though


[00:06:30] I know you’d have an island somewhere in the Pacific or something.


[00:06:34] Thus. Timing in business is very important, isn’t it? Neither before nor after. But well, that one gave me a lot of idea of logistics, but also a bit of character, no? Because it was getting up at 5 4 in the morning and it was the central supply, do all your Piquín, send the driver and then go to hell. So, like me, like why it would be at 10, 10:30, I had finished doing all the distribution and then I changed my hood to study, right? So I think this character issue, this really shaped me a lot and I think it was by far the most stressful situation that we had to live through as a family. So this good, because resilience I think is something very important in the theme of your beach. That restlessness within your life builds that resilience, because when things start to go wrong, and I think that right now we have to live together, everything starts to go wrong. So you’re going to get rid of that the most important resource of SUPLI is not that you learn to be resilient, this is super important.


[00:07:53] Right, and more good, going back to the point you made about the perseverance you learned when you were younger. I think that is also reflected here and also in the entrepreneurial part, because when you have a complicated situation and it is for your future, for your family. The truth is that we do the impossible to get ahead and to improve in everything. So how interesting that as a first experience of logistics was this way, I would say that many years later you would be here. So, within logistics you have a lot of experience in different industries. I’d also love to hear a little bit more about your professional career, the sectors you’ve been in. Tell us about it.


[00:08:35] Ok, perfect. Look, I have experience in basically the toy industries where I spent a good part of my career working for Mattel and currently at Beauty Counter, which is cosmetics, don’t believe it. But surprisingly I didn’t get into his play as I studied Economics. I started between, I started working for by casting of worse, that is, the point of sale by casting to decide what products we told them in the season, which was a much more commercial function and from there followed me Commercial and Seals Administration. Then I was the head of sales working to get into the head of sales for Walmart and at Mattel. Good, you know Walmart is the most important customer. From there I went through marketing very quickly and then entered Supply Chain. Then after having taken several management positions, let’s say in the commercial area, they gave me the opportunity to be promoted to director of Supply Chain for Mattel Mexico.


[00:09:44] It’s something that you actively sought out, because I mean even going through marketing, which is totally different. How? How did your transition to Supply Chain happen?


[00:09:56] It was very natural because when I had that administration, it was very linked to his play and so I got into his planning, I got into his pipeline and things like that, I got in, I got in, I got in and even though I had never been in his Chain plan, it was seen that I had a certain ability. And the second one is, for example, when I was in sales, I was the only one in sales that at the end of the year had a budget, I mean, like that and that, I think that’s an insight, but each function has like a certain personality or a certain skill set within people, right? Those in finance have a certain way of thinking, reasoning, respect, etc. sales, marketing, etc. So the sales guy is selling as much as he can with the budget he has and he’s, he’s even committing next year’s budget. No, no and I was the only one that kind of planned, I mean, I better try to look for my client’s profitability. I was trying to improve my client’s inventories, our inventories. Profitability as a vision, I would say a little more holistic, wouldn’t you say? Then it was this and at the end of the year and literally I was the only one with a budget. So I kind of think that. It’s not that I actively asked for it, but I think the General Management realized that I had another way of processing then and there were certain opportunities in Supply Chain.


[00:11:28] Well, by the way, and that’s also for those who are very young. That did not touch them before there was no Supply Chain, it was operations and a lot of it. The mentality there was to move the boxes. In other words, the one who moves the boxes is the one in operations. Of course, because before a lot of planning went more towards finance, because planning is related to inventories and as inventory has a cost of capital, they said that it reports to finance. So like operations was it logistics or was it product flow? And the planning was on the other side. So it’s not until you say like in the nineties, where they say there’s supply chain, what does that mean? Well, that’s just it. If you connect planning to the operation, then you have a system that you can optimize. Of course. No, no, nothing else is running. When you do the planning and run a system, what you can optimize. Then, obviously Procter and the big companies already had Supply Chain for many years, but Mattel continued with that idea of operations and in fact the direction filled operations and this, as I came from commercial, they gave the opportunity for me to take planning, to take operations and then the title of Director of operations was changed for the first time to director of their CHAIN.


[00:12:55] And Villaguay, this Mexico within the whole world, Mattel was the first country to take this structure, like it was the laboratory of Mattel worldwide. For this one put this structure, this one touched me. I think it was a double challenge, so I mean, because it was the first time that Planning and Operations was together or logistics, but also I was a manager or senior manager before and it was my first experience as a functional leader, not a director. This reporting to the General Manager that that particular change is a super difficult change. If it’s the most brutal. I don’t know if it’s difficult, but it’s the most challenging, because you have to change your leadership style, you have to change a little bit how you build consensus. This is the change that I have found to be the most complex in my career. After that I spent four years in Mexico. She is doing very well. I’m with a super strong team that I’m super proud of, very good results, and so on. And based on the results this one from Mexico as a subsidiary, they started to give us the rest of Latin America. First they gave us everything but Brazil and then they gave us this Brazil and we have already taken all of Latin America.


[00:14:24] And based on those results they invited me to be the first pee-pee of their US plan. U.S. is about 50 percent on sale. So what it looks like done as for me. Well, there I’m going to delay a bit. Mexico was the first country to take Supply Chain and then, little by little Europe began to take the model, so it began to take the model. This is the rest of the world, already had that model, but America being the corporate and. A little bit more, it’s a very big organization, but it took them longer, because they still had the old structure. Then I was invited to train as Vice President, to take Supply Chain North America to the United States and Canada. And replicating the model there, it is even more complex, because being corporate today there is a little bit more politics that you have to take care of and because of the size and the change is a little bit slower. While in Latin America I believe that the. As a competitive advantage, the pace of execution and how fast we could make decisions because there was so much autonomy and in corporate, et cetera, I think you have to learn other skills, right? I was there for two years and from there I went to another toy store.


[00:15:51] And there corporate was also in California.


[00:15:53] The Esa itself is a 15-story tower and there I was setting up corporate as the North American subsidiary, and now there was an extremely thin division.


[00:16:05] Hey, how proud not only to be not only the first to implement it worldwide in Mexico being Mexican, but also the first to do it in the United States, something interesting to be the first and break these paradigms. I imagine another change, coming from Mexico, in charge of all of Latin America. Then take over the position in the United States for North America. What I felt at that moment, apart from the great responsibility you had, I imagine it was a lot of pride being Mexican, to reach a position of such relevance. How did the cultural change go a little bit there? When do you arrive in the United States?


[00:16:48] This look was challenging. 1 Because you’re moving your family, right? In other words, in addition to the professional issue there is also the family issue. Then my daughters were 5 years old, 6 and 5 years old and a year before that. Lucia, the youngest of my two daughters, had been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. So we were coming as I wanted that theme. And then the next year moving which was positive because the treatment unfortunately or fortunately for me, but not unfortunately here is more advanced. So, it was a positive change in terms of her insulin pump, her monitor, the whole treatment and all the support that Childrens Hospital gave us. But we were coming from a stress as a family, not with diabetes, coupling up and then moving to a new country, etcetera. So that’s where I’m a bit complex. The other is. I had an idea of what I did in Mexico, with certain variables of decision making, of very fast execution, and here it was a little bit more of a post environment, slower in decision making, but not so much autonomy and also a little bit of a policy that had to be taken care of, no? So if the pride, if no one takes it away from you, this one.


[00:18:25] But quickly you have to understand that it wasn’t a copy paste or it wasn’t replicating exactly what had already been done, not this one. But hey, there will be a lot of learning. Learning to work with another culture that had already done so when he took Latin America. You understand that the Colombian in his culture is not the same as the Chilean, nor the same as the Peruvian, nor the Argentinean, nor the Brazilian, which are like the countries I had the good fortune to work with. All equally successful. However, the way of processing information, the way of interrelating, and so on, is different. And you have to understand that the American is also different. There is no barrier. Here was given a little language, not this one. We’ve all learned English in some way, but it’s one thing to learn English at school, so being here and ten hours of meetings in English, in English, at first for me Ciara. Honestly, yes, it was a bit tiring.


[00:19:33] I wasn’t trying to replicate a model that you may have just developed in another country and now you have to adapt it to both their way of working and their culture and explain it well in another language. So that’s a challenge as well.


[00:19:48] Yes, Laura, yes, a super challenge. So that’s it. Well, after two years I got out and I decided to leave the East, I’m going to another toy store there I think the learning that I took and that would be another of my insights so that it is not being seen, is. When you work in a company, good company, not the Unilever, Nestle, and so on. That’s right. Like rules of behavior that you take for granted. No, but in my case mater, of course. And I kind of didn’t or didn’t pay as much attention to validating the culture. And so it’s super, super, super important that when they make a decision to change companies, which I understand that the new generations are much more open to changing companies every two, three years, they are open to change, that they validate the culture.


[00:20:52] Culture is a very important topic and well, in fact I have a particular attraction for, for, for companies and culture in companies, the development of employees within a company, how, how would you define a good culture in a company and how with your positions or throughout your career? How have you managed to push for a good culture, what would be the keys to align the culture a little bit with the vision of the business?


[00:21:23] Sure, you see, I, like I would say a culture is like. The rules in a house. I don’t know if I’m making myself clear. If you don’t yell, you don’t hit. That’s it, that’s the basic rules for a house to function well, because that’s the minimum necessary for a company to function well. So how do you handle conflict? Open at the bottom, not at the back, etc… How do you deal with this stress, this stress that is allowed and this stress that is not allowed? When I interview, that is, when I’m interviewing for a position, it’s not when I’m interviewing someone, it’s what you ask to see how the conflict is handled. I hear he talked on the toughest Board they’ve ever had and they have who spoke, who spoke, etc. It’s all trade or no trade. That’s how and that’s why I would say how you analyze a now very fashionable constellation or how you analyze a family system, well, that same one. In a way that same analysis is what you have to do for a company. That’s what I would call culture. But there is something else. You also have to know yourself and the culture in which you perform best. Capacitor is a very upfront person and oil, sugar. That’s how you grew up, you go ahead and tell it like it is.


[00:22:58] If you go to a hypersensitive culture. Or is it just going to last a long time without being able to be successful? People are going to see you as very rude or on the contrary, if at home you never learned how to handle conflict and all that and you get to a company where everyone is very rude, very confrontational, well, maybe it’s not the best place for you. That in addition to that, which is not so much of culture, but it is related to you knowing yourself, your personality, but Tamientos Hills, that is to say your skills, that you know which is the best company for you. And there I have more or less thought something. And let’s see if the discussion is open, whether being out or not, but before him. What are over market all companies have three things People well, people, processes and systems don’t they? And place it. The combination of the three is what makes the success or failure of any business. There are people who work very well, with very tight processes. And there are people who suffocate, who say this is not for me, and prefer more relaxed environments, where there is more creativity and more innovation, and while not everything is mapped out, things come up and you have to solve them and the bombshell and in between there is an infinity.


[00:24:27] Okay, you must know yourself. You have then there my recipe is how capital intensive the industry or the company you’re going to be in is going to define both the processes and the systems. What comes to mind in that example is automotive. Obviously this is setting up an automotive plant, well, I imagine it’s millions of dollars. I don’t know how much it is, but it must be many millions for the whole, as the investor invests millions or billions of dollars in a plant. Processes and systems have to be perfect. Then you need people who are like a Swiss watch. Absolutely nothing can be diverted, otherwise the cost of capital suffers. And some people find it works well for them. I personally don’t think I’d be sold on this one, but that’s okay. On the other hand, there are other companies where the cost of capital is almost zero. Just imagine someone in a kitchen making the mixture and filling the bottles, right? Imagine, let’s imagine. Obviously, the incentive to have robust processes and systems is zero. It is going to be extremely flexible. So you have to know yourself and try to place yourself in that industry where you can be successful. Here I would say that in the house of the blind the one-eyed man is king.


[00:25:53] So, if you put yourself slightly above in terms of capital. No, sorry, if you get light. If you are looking for a company slightly below your level of competence in processes and systems, you are going to be the one-eyed of the blind. Of course, of course. But if you make the mistake and put yourself in a company where the capital is slightly above your competencies. You’re not going to be a little bit deficient because everything is going to be talking about Six Sigma, you’re going to be talking about sophistication, refinement, processes and decisions, and you’re going to be lacking the technical knowledge to be efficient. Of course, now there is neither good nor bad. Because if you take someone from the automotive industry and put them in an industry on this side or they blow up, not like let’s see, but explain to me where the procedures manual is. No, there is nothing else. You have to figure out that you have 50 containers sitting at the port and you have to bring them in yesterday because you have to ship to Walmart because the order is due on Monday. So it’s not because all of a sudden we have this bias of thinking that the automaker is the perfect one, right? In other words, in different terms it is different and nothing more. He knows very well. So that you know where you can shine best.


[00:27:22] It is an excellent recommendation for all those who are listening to us and I share your way of seeing it and I think the way you explained it is quite didactic and easy to understand. I think at the end of the day the hardest part of someone’s career is not so much the external part, but the introspection and getting to know yourself. And the truth. I speak for myself, but many times we get lazy or we always leave it. In the end we are always trying to solve external things with everyone, clients, suppliers, family, spouse, etcetera and that introspection is what we usually leave at the end. So that’s a very, very good comment for people to think about and pay a little bit of attention to, because that’s what can make you successful and make you enjoy your work, which I imagine is what made you move on to the next stage of your life, I imagine.


[00:28:20] Yes, and you do it very well. This will allow you to be successful, but above all to enjoy your work. Yes, because if you’re not in the right place you’re going to suffer. It’s a lot of stress, don’t you understand? I think the most important thing is to enjoy it.


[00:28:38] If you notice it, it counts in the end and clients notice it and don’t notice it and it becomes, it becomes a job for the money which obviously we all need. Money.


[00:28:49] We are.


[00:28:50] But. But if you put aside a little bit that you’re enjoying or developing intellectually, professionally, culturally, whatever, but. Tell us more, please, Humberto, so you don’t leave the other toy store?


[00:29:04] Well, if what happened a long time ago, yeah.


[00:29:08] You were, you were the automotive in the. In the automotive industry


[00:29:13] And from there, I had the opportunity to enter Stories, which is another extraordinary Australian toy culture. And who doesn’t? If anyone has the opportunity to work for Australians I recommend it. Very casual, like very. As there is not as much as so much hierarchy. I mean, I liked it, I liked the company, that’s all. There I was in charge of Senovilla of the global Sanofi, a medium-sized toy company and they didn’t have to talk much about those developers in Office, which I think is what happens to a lot of companies. They use the name phenotypes. Sounds nice, but no, there wasn’t much.


[00:29:55] What is it in Haiti for those who


[00:29:57] They are listeners in Operations Planning Project, which is for me is like. Well, one of the processes was obviously the Supply Chain protective bias, but to me it would be one of the most important processes in any company, because it’s nothing more than taking the sales input or the forex after well, that whatever you have from marketing, from promotions, et cetera. In other words, put all the inputs from the whole company, Finance, Supply, etcetera, and bring together the management of the company and say well, this is what we are based on the forcas that we have, the inventories that we have, etcetera. This is the picture that we have and from there make decisions of any business decision that has any promotion or if you want to go and increase your weeks of inventory or any decision, is for me as if it were an airport, the control tower of any company to make the best decisions. This axis is sanofi. So I was very happy there, but from there came the opportunity to come to a priori Counter, which is where I am now. The role is to say this but that asks Supply Chain, is that it is not only to take in OPI, but to take logistics, took planning, took surfing. I also got customer experience beauty country see commerce. So Customer experience is very important. So, of course, I also have the good fortune to be in charge of it and I am also responsible for all the Project Management that takes the Product Lunch, the launching of new products, so it is a much more important role.


[00:31:44] Integral,


[00:31:45] Integral to what they had


[00:31:46] Lots and lots and lots of things at your expense.


[00:31:49] And that it was very similar to what I carried in my past experiences. So I think it was the right decision. And well, there, there’s another, another reason. I don’t know if it happens to everybody, but when you work for a company and especially in Supply Chain, at least I had a lot of concerns, like sustainability, not environment, etc. But then you try to talk to your boss in whatever and they say well, and the cost is not true. It still doesn’t give. I don’t understand that technologies are innovating, but we haven’t reached this tipping point yet. So it’s like you really like your job, but you know it’s not as sustainable as you’d like it to be. And from there I learned that there is something called Lobby Corporation, which is very strong in the United States and also has a presence in Australia. In Europe I don’t know about Latin America, but Big Corporation. Nestlé is the largest Big Corporation in the world. This ibid of Benefit Benefit Corporation is companies that decide that their profitability is not the only objective of their charter, but define that in a benefit corporation, in a broader way that involves social impact, impact to the environment and others, definitely the profitability of the company, but it is a much more holistic approach. So what I said is the next company I work for is going to be a Big Corporation. How well it has to have the culture, which I think is closely linked to Big Corporation, because part of the Big Corporation is to evaluate the culture of companies and it will be a role that I want to change industry at the time and I think that already the toys already, already


[00:33:45] He is the expert on all the toys.


[00:33:48] It is then this I want to change industry and Eric Counters brought me the three things. I am currently not very happy, it is a very good company. We are the leaders in Clan Beauty this eliminating eighteen hundred chemicals from our products and making them effective because they are not placebos, they are products that are effective in the cosmetic industry. But we eliminate eighteen hundred chemicals that have, that have, that we have, that are supposed to be harmful to people, right?


[00:34:24] And you’re back to the same thing. Well, I like to remember how your beginnings to today from everything you’ve been learning in different positions, in the places you’ve been, to and what you were saying about knowing yourself to be able to say well, now the next step in my career is this and to be able to implement it. And I think something I’d also like to mention about this industry, which is very nice but sometimes complicated, is that we have to know how to make decisions. Then both the personal and the professional part comes to a point where you say ok, now I really want this for myself, and you not only stayed with the idea of well, I’d like to be more sustainable, but you carry it out. So that’s what makes a lot of difference sometimes between achieving your goals or only getting halfway there. So, where are you now, and considering how the world is with the pandemic? Well, all the challenges we’ve had. What do you think will happen in the future? How do you see the logistical situation for next year? I don’t know what you think is going to happen.


[00:35:36] Okay, before I answer your question, I want to make a clarification because you were telling me that it’s good that I actively decide, and there I think I have two stages. When I worked at Mattel, at the beginning, when I was in Commercial, the truth is that they promoted me or gave me a new assignment every year, like I was the pitcher that fixed cars, so every year I had a different role and the truth is that I didn’t worry about my career, I mean, I knew that since I thought that I was there dad, this is the manager, this is the manager that I was kind of putting and from there everything that sequence that I just told you about, but when I left Mattel, I was promoted to a new role. There was like a change of mentality, I mean, you don’t have to start looking at your career this way and from that point on, all this that I’m talking about happened. No, I’m not telling them to. To the people who are listening to us, who have to do it this way, I think it was an opportunity on my part, I think I was possibly a little passive, but the truth is that in my career I was going upwards, so I never, I never had that concern, but well, it doesn’t appear to me like confessing and making the clarification, but I think it will be important. I would rather Take Away that yes, that everyone has to see for his career and more now where those plans to stay in a company for 16 years as I did. Well, the truth is that not anymore, the labor market is much more flexible now. So I think it was more of a generational thing. Now everyone has to take their own career into their own hands,


[00:37:27] Even within the companies themselves, because there are some that are already open to give their opinion, raise their hands, say, let’s see, I think we could improve this. And it is just that part of the culture of the companies to know that you are in the right place for you to grow, to propose, because there are companies that are open, let’s see, hey, we don’t have to be square, we are not going to improve and they let you make those decisions and it is also something very cool to learn within the same company. Sometimes, even nowadays, you sometimes hear that there are people who change jobs a lot. But well, I speak for the millennials, but I also identify myself as someone who does like the industry, I love my job, I love the place where I am, but I also know that I can grow a lot and learn from different areas and that if you raise your hand and I have a good proposal, it will be taken into account then. What a father or know how different? At the end of the day, you started in the same place and your career took you to something you loved and then you changed your mind to say well, now I want to do this, but also today there are so many ways to get to where you want to be and to keep improving, that it’s really interesting to hear about it. And now if I ask you again


[00:38:43] Robin Si,


[00:38:45] Exactly. In other words, it’s impossible not to talk about it. I know we’ve heard it a thousand times, but hey, it’s been a challenge in the industry. Two thousand and twenty-two. What do you think will happen?


[00:38:58] Ok, before I answer Javier, let me talk. Let’s see, I think this was already brewing even before COBIT, I think and it’s my opinion, right? I mean, just an opinion, not this one. How can there be my. Eh? Let’s see, because this is all maritime trade, it’s a Swiss watch. No, or T flows between continent, country, and so on. It’s like a mecca, like a demand mechanism in your movie and it’s adjusting quickly. That’s perfect, isn’t it? And that has allowed the rates to go down and down and down and down and the cost per mile traveled was not the same, because obviously an Asia from Asia America, well it’s more expensive than the empty ones that you have to move empty containers. And in that José Enrique can give as a professor. It does not exist, but if I explain myself. It’s a sophistication that took many, many years to get to that refinement, because you’re adjusting rates, et cetera, to make sure that the vacuum can get back to where you need it, et cetera. No, I think for me it all started a little bit when the good strong administration declares war on China and starts raising tariffs. At that time began what was exported from the United States to China, it was no longer like that and began to see certain distortions. And it doesn’t always make you agree, but I think that from that point on there started to be certain distortions that were no longer there. I mean, we didn’t start in the best place, let’s say. Obviously there is buffered inventory of container inventory and so it is absorbing it, but I think from there a problem had already started. Then two. And I’m going to change the subject a little bit. But back to my topic of concern, sustainability. Yes, yes, we are already close to a strong climate issue. In January 2020, that is, two months before COBIT broke out, the Central Bank of central banks, which I do not remember what it is called, but it is like all the major US Fed, bank, etc.. The major banks in the United States created a Central Bank as an institution.


[00:41:29] The International Monetary Fund


[00:41:32] It is neither the Fund nor the Central Bank has another name than Agustín Carstens professional or that was the director. But anyway, they came out with a paper and talked about the Green Swan. Recall that the Black Swan is a term that was coined for the 2008 crisis, to decide that it is like the black swan that no one saw coming, which was the U.S. mortgage crisis. And that’s where the Black Swan came from, by the way. But this paper, which is about 80 pages long, talks about the next world crisis is going to start being Greenspan. And we are green swans, because of ecological, ecological disruptions that could be hurricanes. Whatever you want. Floods, etc. He’s not from here, mind you. Who does it come from? From the Central Bank of Central Banks. What he’s telling the central banks is that they have to create monetary policy policies, blah, blah, blah, blah, to begin to deal with economic crises that are going to happen because of ecological issues. And COBIT was the first GREENS. Green Swan or not? I really don’t know. I mean, obviously I don’t think you know that. What is known is that we have broken ecosystems, not a bat that is in a jungle, it lives there.


[00:43:12] But if the jungle ends, then the bat has to migrate. Now, whether that was the origin or not, we don’t know. But the issue, why I bring it up is because we have COBIT, but already the Central Bank of Central Banks, which are the financial ones, which are the ones that are looking for stability. No, it’s nobody’s conspiracy theory. In January 2020 he is saying get your act together because there are going to be these disruptors coming because of ecological phenomena, not natural phenomena. Even somewhere, the PP states that this could jeopardize the existence of the human race. One thing yes, but well, again, I repeat, it is not. E The source is a source that is typically overly serious in that it doesn’t just jump into anything. So I don’t know why this Pepper went unnoticed, do you? Now if your question is sorry young man, the 22nd and 23rd, but before you answer the question, how much stability did we enjoy in the past? We also got used to it and started to take it like the automotive industry, as our own. Not as our role should not be and we started to build your plan Chetniks, which were very complicated, you produce a raw material here in Vietnam and from there you send it to India to make 2 3 machines and from there you send it to China and then you take it to the United States.


[00:45:01] So. And why is that? Because we get used to living in an environment of stability. And of stability, of uncertainty. So, for two cents, for three cents, we make whatever decision it is and start building your plan. James As very fragile. Very long with Lita. Extremely long, with immense complexity. This is not your case. A Czech car. How many components and from how many companies and from which different countries does it come from? Well, it’s a. It’s a puzzle you have to put together. Well, it was good because the world in the past was extremely true. No certainty was not economic stability, political stability, social stability. Everything was there. But from now on we have to get used to the fact that the rules of the game have changed and I think COBIT is the first one, but there will be more to come. So, what do we have to do? It is to reduce lists. So that already that your component of Asia because it is super cheap, may not be the best option. No? Then this do with this shorter leadthings me. Second, digitization. I mean, I understand that in Latin America we’re like.


[00:46:28] A little bit back,


[00:46:29] A little bit behind, but well, also, don’t think it’s very different here, but we’re doing well. We have visibility of our supplier. No, you have to go now. What is the visibility of your supplier’s supplier? Sea Second Fire. To start to see a little bit how to build the Supply Chain system, but not only within your company, but the whole system. That is, from the raw material to the final product. We’re going to have to do that and it’s in the technology, there’s blockchain and so on. I mean, there’s a way to start doing it, it’s just going to take time. So I think we’re going to have to change. I’m not going to get into that too much. Well, it’s not a quick topic. This same man who brought out the Black Swan also brought out a new one. Concept called anti-fragility mind. Why is it that resilience was defined against the fragile? Noc, which means a bridge, which is resilience, is not trembling. The bridge moves, but returns to its original state. He held fragile against resistant and he says no, the new one, what we have to do is anti fragility, that would be evolving systems. A After the destroyer, I mean, in the bridge analogy you have the shaking, the bridge learns that it moved a lot, and then instead of being a bridge or just a bridge, so let’s assume from an example I have of that. For example, your muscles. When you do weights you literally break down muscle. Then the muscle learns and gets bigger. Before the disruptor, the muscle is growing that since the process of weights not this then. Let’s see, it’s a novel concept and it wasn’t applied much to your plan, but we have to learn, I mean, with all the digital information, because we already have information in real time. What is very important is nothing else, you have to connect the information in real time, etc.. We can go on creating, evolving, creating supply chains that are anti-fragile, that in the face of the disruptor we can make decisions in real time to make the system much more robust.


[00:49:06] Yes it could be, maybe, I don’t know what you mentioned just now, and there are some, especially in manufacturing or maquila industries, because different countries are involved, different means of transport and maybe before it was cheaper to do it that way, but maybe now in terms of time and security, that you will have the raw material or the stock, well, maybe you can even develop to see this, I don’t know, this fabric and we can make it in the country where it is going to be made up or we can bring the inputs here, we can manufacture it, Well, maybe you can even develop this, I don’t know, this fabric and we can make it in the country where it is going to be made up or we can bring the inputs here and manufacture it, I don’t know, or know ways to cut back a little bit, so much triangulation of material or I don’t know, better to bring the machinery here or maybe it is not to increase a little bit the salaries of the maquiladoras so we don’t have to produce in another country. And maybe that costs you less than everything. I don’t know the freight stuff, but I guess that’s kind of what you’re getting at, if I’m understanding correctly.


[00:50:05] That is to reduce Typekit that yes, I think all companies are doing carsharing, as it became fashionable, no? And it would obviously be necessary to start creating a regional or local infrastructure to be able to do it. That would be producing items, which is what you mentioned. Anti-fragility would be more like it. Given that not all companies have it, but given that a lot of the information that you’re going to start getting is in real time, because you have this blockchain, you have the. In other words, the technology is already there for the whole system, the ecosystem of your planchen, to be connected globally. What we have to do is that when the disruptor arrives, in this case it was COBIT, that automatically the system is evolving to become stronger. I can’t tell you what it is because it’s hardly a new concept. But for example. Well I don’t know, no, the truth is that I partly regret saying I give an example, but it’s more like a concept that I think I’m refining.


[00:51:19] This is what we learn from this whole pandemic and the problem that we have in the ports or in the infrastructure of the countries, in all that. So that’s where I think you’re giving us a view not just of 2022 as the question indicated, but rather a more general view of what’s best for the next 20 years. I think that’s where I think Split’s Supply Chain position is going to continue to develop. Maybe someone from your Chain is going to have to understand this concept of anti-fragility which is quite, quite interesting and in fact we will try to include some of the notes and see if we can find the Green Sun article as well. To put it in the notes of the interview, send us a thread with the


[00:52:03] Interview data. If the guides and this thing I’m talking about fragility, it should come supported by machine learning. Simple thing. Already once you have the system connected, the system, a machine learning or some other tool, artificial intelligence is what would allow the system to evolve. But let’s see if as Enrique says, it’s not 2022 or 23, but I think it’s something that’s coming. Now I’m going to answer question 23 and it’s just me. I mean, no, but let’s see, on the maritime trade side we have seen other crises. It is not the first time it has happened. No, not to this extent, but it has happened. What I believe is. Next year the Kings are going to stay very similar. But the service will gradually improve. So a first quarter, second quarter, but still give something there. Of service issues. But I hope that by next year’s season it will be a matter of paying a lot for the service, but it’s already good service, but there will be good service. This and what is going to be that as the rates so high. This, because that money is going to be invested precisely in correcting the balance that they have to contain them worldwide, right? And I also understand that it’s a local transportation issue that they’re not having.


[00:53:41] If not, then this one will have to be corrected. In other words, there is money in the system because they are paying excessively high rates that are going to correct the service issue, not the cost. And it would not be until 2023 with a corrected service that the rates for supply and demand will begin to improve. What I am doing internally is I am dividing. As all the movements that we have in two one is inflationary effects of what I call Supply Chain Supply Demand Time Balance, that is a balance of supply and demand. Why? Because an imbalance of supply and demand is temporary. Be that as maritime rates go up, but they’re going down, they’re going down. We don’t know how much, but they’re going down. But an inflationary effect that is going to be sustained over time. For example, I give an example, there is a little bit of increase in salaries in that is inflationary, it is not going to go down. You should project it and it should be in your system because you know that it is going to be maintained and it is going to go up. But the maritime part you know it’s going to go up and it’s going to go down. It’s understanding when you start to get cost pressure, knowing where it’s coming from. It will let you know. How to negotiate?


[00:55:17] Sure, I wanted to adjust the rest of your supply chain accordingly, but exactly.


[00:55:23] Yeah, well, now I did answer the question, didn’t I?


[00:55:27] If I believe in myself, in my point of view, I think you not only answered the question, but you opened up a million other questions at the same time. This I find not only very interesting, but it is going to be the topic of discussion for the next five to ten or fifteen years. I don’t think so. This topic you bring up is very interesting and something we will probably have to bother you again in the future. Maybe in 2022 or sooner for you to give us another interview, because one can see that you have an enviable experience in logistics. I think you’ve seen the logistics of all of Latin America, North America, Europe or you know logistics worldwide. 2. I think you have. A person who is very focused on who he is, what he wants, where he wants to be successful, which is admirable in whatever industry or job he’s in. And well, we thank you very much for wanting to talk to us a little bit. I’m sure people listening to this interview or watching this interview are going to be, are going to be delighted and nothing more. I wanted to thank you for your time.


[00:56:41] Yeah, right. Yes, well, if I can add one last question, I know we’ve already gone a little overboard, but I have to take advantage of the fact that you’re here. And that’s more of a personal question. So, if you could go back twenty years or fifteen years with the Humberto of that time, what advice would you give him? They can be for your personal or professional life, but what is something you would tell yourself that can help everyone who is listening.


[00:57:22] Ok, I think I know two things. One is very personal to me. But possibly someone who listens to us will find it useful and I think at the beginning of my career. I thought it was all like very, I mean, everybody knew, I mean, people upstairs, et cetera. Everyone knew what they were doing and everyone else, so things were more complex than I thought. Then I kind of kept quiet in a lot of meetings, like how? How to say? Was it shielded? Maybe, this could be it. And then I grew up. No? So. That is, to me. I should be more bold and open topics and participates more in the boards and danby and. And give your point of view. Et cetera. I don’t think the new generations have that problem. Then this one. But that would be advice to me. But the other piece of advice I would give myself, and fortunately in a way I’ve followed it. It is. Because a lot of us in your country are like relieved for goals, like what we like to solve and everything, and when you’re like that. Possibly what you’re looking for is like that target san when I’m vice president or when I’m and you’re totally focused on that.


[00:58:59] And I think the advice I would give myself is don’t so much like the outcome as enjoy the journey. I mean, I think this exists because if it’s that when I’m Bepi I’m going to be happy or when I have the house I’m going to be happy, or when I have the house I’m going to be happy, or blah blah blah. What do you mean? You are always putting your happiness in the future and in something external. And I don’t think it goes like that. I mean, I think you have to define. Like that your life in a more holistic way is not going to be well physical well-being. Not exercising, emotional well-being, healthy interpersonal relationships, spiritual well-being. Whatever you define it to be, it doesn’t have to be a religion, of course, but whatever you define it to be, it’s a simple thing to define it as in a more holistic way and keeping in mind. And the rest will follow. But when you put everything like in the future or on the outside. Possibly you’re going to get there and it’s not a bit empty because they weren’t what you were expecting. So this good, I think a little bit. The question was the answer to the question was it good? I think the answer is a bit complex, but I hope you understand,


[01:00:26] It is not understood. Perfect. Thank you very much. Now I’m really sticking with. With this very important message of what you say, that sometimes it happens to me a lot that I say I don’t want to do, I’m, I’m, I’m, I’m getting there and suddenly you also stop a little bit and say well, but you have to. So, what did I do for myself today? Or I don’t know. You have to enjoy everything and that’s something I also love about this industry. It’s tiring, yes, it’s complicated. You have to learn to solve, but at the same time I like how I like that space. So I feel it’s something that everyone should also consider for their careers and professional life. So I won’t take up any more of your time. Thank you very much for. To solve one more question.


[01:01:17] No? Perfect. Thank you very much, Monica and Enrique. I’ll be here whenever you want me to be. This is the truth. It’s a pleasure. I really enjoyed the talk and if it can help the people who are listening, it’s wonderful to always be available to help in any way I can and, well, to share my experience.


[01:01:39] Well, thank you very much. I think a lot of people might want to look for the best way to contact you and talk to you. Linkedin I imagine if there is someone who has a particular question or something they would like to tell you about or just look you up, what would be the best thing to do?


[01:02:00] Lo. I have it online, that is, I check it daily. Then this link has Humberto Martinez and if not put The Lovely Counter and it will surely come out.


[01:02:11] Perfect and thank you very much. It is a great pride as a Mexican to see and interview someone who not only shared part of my childhood info, but who has become a very important person in supply chains and logistics and in the world we are living in. So I’m in. Thank you very much, my pleasure and have a nice day.

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Featured Guests

Profesionista con más de 20 años de experiencia, Humberto Martinez se ha desempenado en diferentes roles del area comercial y de supply chain lo que le permiten tener una vision “end to end” de la cadena de suministro. Adicionalmente a sido responsable de Supply Chain para diferentes paises como Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Estados Unidos y Canada, lo que le permiten tener una vision multicultural.Actualmente se desempena como SVP de Supply Chain en Beautycounter, ha sido SVP Global Supply Chain en MGA Toys, VP Supply Chain North America en Mattel. Cuenta con un MBA por la Universidad de Texas en Austin y es Economista del ITAM. Conéctate con Humberto en LinkedIn.

Monica Aurora Roesch Davila has a Bachelor’s degree in Management and International Business from Universidad Panamericana in Aguascalientes, Mexico. She has work experience in purchasing, logistics, and sales for automotive companies, and is currently working at Vector handling some non-profit accounts and helping them achieve their goals. She also develops new accounts and plans with them the better routes and strategies for them to have efficient and cost-effective operations.

Monica believes that everything we do matters and that we can make a difference and impact the world in a positive way with our daily actions, so she tries to do her best every day.


Enrique Alvarez

Host, Logistics with Purpose

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Allison Giddens


Allison Krache Giddens has been with Win-Tech, a veteran-owned small business and aerospace precision machine shop, for 15 years, recently buying the company from her mentor and Win-Tech’s Founder, Dennis Winslow. She and her business partner, John Hudson now serve as Co-Presidents, leading the 33-year old company through the pandemic.

She holds undergraduate degrees in psychology and criminal justice from the University of Georgia, a Masters in Conflict Management from Kennesaw State University, a Masters in Manufacturing from Georgia Institute of Technology, and a Certificate of Finance from the University of Georgia. She also holds certificates in Google Analytics, event planning, and Cybersecurity Risk Management from Harvard online. Allison founded the Georgia Chapter of Women in Manufacturing and currently serves as Treasurer. She serves on the Chattahoochee Technical College Foundation Board as its Secretary, the liveSAFE Resources Board of Directors as Resource Development Co-Chair, and on the Leadership Cobb Alumni Association Board as Membership Chair and is also a member of Cobb Executive Women. She is on the Board for the Cobb Chamber of Commerce’s Northwest Area Councils. Allison runs The Dave Krache Foundation, a non-profit that helps pay sports fees for local kids in need.

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Billy Taylor


Billy Taylor is a Proven Business Excellence Practitioner and Leadership Guru with over 25 years leading operations for a Fortune 500 company, Goodyear. He is also the CEO of LinkedXL (Excellence), a Business Operating Systems Architecting Firm dedicated to implementing sustainable operating systems that drive sustainable results. Taylor’s achievements in the industry have made him a Next Generational Lean pacesetter with significant contributions.

An American business executive, Taylor has made a name for himself as an innovative and energetic industry professional with an indispensable passion for his craft of operational excellence. His journey started many years ago and has worked with renowned corporations such as The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. (GT) leading multi-site operations. With over 3 decades of service leading North America operations, he is experienced in a deeply rooted process driven approach in customer service, process integrity for sustainability.

A disciple of continuous improvement, Taylor’s love for people inspires commitment to helping others achieve their full potential. He is a dynamic speaker and hosts "The Winning Link," a popular podcast centered on business and leadership excellence with the #1 rated Supply Chain Now Network. As a leadership guru, Taylor has earned several invitations to universities, international conferences, global publications, and the U.S. Army to demonstrate how to achieve and sustain effective results through cultural acceptance and employee ownership. Leveraging the wisdom of his business acumen, strong influence as a speaker and podcaster Taylor is set to release "The Winning Link" book under McGraw Hill publishing in 2022. The book is a how-to manual to help readers understand the management of business interactions while teaching them how to Deine, Align, and Execute Winning in Business.

A servant leader, Taylor, was named by The National Diversity Council as one of the Top 100 Diversity Officers in the country in 2021. He features among Oklahoma's Most Admired CEOs and maintains key leadership roles with the Executive Advisory Board for The Shingo Institute "The Nobel Prize of Operations" and The Association of Manufacturing Excellence (AME); two world-leading organizations for operational excellence, business development, and cultural learning.  He is also an Independent Director for the M-D Building Products Board, a proud American manufacturer of quality products since 1920.

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Tandreia Bellamy


Tandreia Bellamy retired as the Vice President of Industrial Engineering for UPS Supply Chain Solutions which included the Global Logistics, Global Freight Forwarding and UPS Freight business units. She was responsible for operations strategy and planning, asset management, forecasting, and technology tool development to optimize sustainable efficiency while driving world class service.

Tandreia held similar positions at the business unit level for Global Logistics and Global Freight forwarding. As the leader of the Global Logistics engineering function, she directed all industrial engineering activies related to distribution, service parts logistics (post-sales support), and mail innovations (low cost, light weight shipping partnership with the USPS). Between these roles Tandreia helped to establish the Advanced Technology Group which was formed to research and develop cutting edge solutions focused on reducing reliance on manual labor.

Tandreia began her career in 1986 as a part-time hourly manual package handling employee. She spent the great majority of her career in the small package business unit which is responsible for the pick-up, sort, transport and delivery of packages domestically. She held various positions in Industrial Engineering, Marketing, Inside and On-road operations in Central Florida before transferring to Atlanta for a position in Corporate Product Development and Corporate Industrial Engineering. Tandreia later held IE leadership roles in Nebraska, Minnesota and Chicago. In her final role in small package she was an IE VP responsible for all aspects of IE, technology support and quality for the 25 states on the western half of the country.
Tandreia is currently a Director for the University of Central Florida (UCF) Foundation Board and also serves on their Dean’s Advisory Board for the College of Engineering and Computer Science. Previously Tandreia served on the Executive Advisory Board for Virginia Tech’s IE Department and the Association for Supply Chain Management. She served on the Board of Trustees for ChildServ (a Chicago child and family services non-profit) and also served on the Texas A&M and Tuskegee Engineering Advisory Boards. In 2006 she was named Business Advisor of the Year by INROADS, in 2009 she was recognized as a Technology All-Star at the Women of Color in STEM conference and in 2019 she honored as a UCF Distinguished Aluma by the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Systems.

Tandreia holds a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering from Stanford University and a master’s degree in Industrial Engineering and Management Systems from UCF. Her greatest accomplishment, however, is being the proud mother of two college students, Ruby (24) and Anthony (22).

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Marty Parker


Marty Parker serves as both the CEO & Founder of Adæpt Advising and an award-winning Senior Lecturer (Teaching Professor) in Supply Chain and Operations Management at the University of Georgia. He has 30 years of experience as a COO, CMO, CSO (Chief Strategy Officer), VP of Operations, VP of Marketing and Process Engineer. He founded and leads UGA’s Supply Chain Advisory Board, serves as the Academic Director of UGA’s Leaders Academy, and serves on multiple company advisory boards including the Trucking Profitability Strategies Conference, Zion Solutions Group and Carlton Creative Company.

Marty enjoys helping people and companies be successful. Through UGA, Marty is passionate about his students, helping them network and find internships and jobs. He does this through several hundred one-on-one zoom meetings each year with his students and former students. Through Adæpt Advising, Marty has organized an excellent team of affiliates that he works with to help companies grow and succeed. He does this by helping c-suite executives improve their skills, develop better leaders, engage their workforce, improve processes, and develop strategic plans with detailed action steps and financial targets. Marty believes that excellence in supply chain management comes from the understanding the intersection of leadership, culture, and technology, working across all parts of the organization to meet customer needs, maximize profit and minimize costs.

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Laura Lopez

Marketing Coordinator

Laura Lopez serves as our Supply Chain Now Marketing Coordinator. She graduated from Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente in Mexico with a degree in marketing. Laura loves everything digital because she sees the potential it holds for companies in the marketing industry. Her passion for creativity and thinking outside the box led her to pursue a career in marketing. With experience in fields like accounting, digital marketing, and restaurants, she clearly enjoys taking on challenges. Laura lives the best of both worlds - you'll either catch her hanging out with her friends soaking up the sun in Mexico or flying out to visit her family in California!

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Jake Barr


An acknowledged industry leader, Jake Barr now serves as CEO for BlueWorld Supply Chain Consulting, providing support to a cross section of Fortune 500 companies such as Cargill, Caterpillar, Colgate, Dow/Dupont, Firmenich, 3M, Merck, Bayer/Monsanto, Newell Brands, Kimberly Clark, Nestle, PepsiCo, Pfizer, Sanofi, Estee Lauder and Coty among others. He's also devoted time to engagements in public health sector work with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. At P&G, he managed the breakthrough delivery of an E2E (End to End) Planning Transformation effort, creating control towers which now manage the daily business globally. He is recognized as the architect for P&G’s demand driven supply chain strategy – referenced as a “Consumer Driven Supply Chain” transformation. Jake began his career with P&G in Finance in Risk Analysis and then moved into Operations. He has experience in building supply network capability globally through leadership assignments in Asia, Latin America, North America and the Middle East. He currently serves as a Research Associate for MIT; a member of Supply Chain Industry Advisory Council; Member of Gartner’s Supply Chain Think Tank; Consumer Goods “League of Leaders“; and a recipient of the 2015 - 2021 Supply Chain “Pro’s to Know” Award. He has been recognized as a University of Kentucky Fellow.

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Marcia Williams


Marcia Williams, Managing Partner of USM Supply Chain, has 18 years of experience in Supply Chain, with expertise in optimizing Supply Chain-Finance Planning (S&OP/ IBP) at Large Fast-Growing CPGs for greater profitability and improved cash flows. Marcia has helped mid-sized and large companies including Lindt Chocolates, Hershey, and Coty. She holds an MBA from Michigan State University and a degree in Accounting from Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay (South America). Marcia is also a Forbes Council Contributor based out of New York, and author of the book series Supply Chains with Maria in storytelling style. A recent speaker’s engagement is Marcia TEDx Talk: TEDxMSU - How Supply Chain Impacts You: A Transformational Journey.

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Luisa Garcia

Host, Logistics with Purpose

Luisa Garcia is a passionate Marketer from Lagos de Moreno based in Aguascalientes. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing from Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes, Mexico. She specializes in brand development at any stage, believing that a brand is more than just a name or image—it’s an unforgettable experience. Her expertise helps brands achieve their dreams and aspirations, making a lasting impact. Currently working at Vector Global Logistics in the Marketing team and as podcast coordinator of Logistics With Purpose®. Luisa believes that purpose-driven decisions will impact results that make a difference in the world.

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Astrid Aubert

Host, Logistics with Purpose

Astrid Aubert was born in Guadalajara, she is 39 years old and has had the opportunity to live in many places. She studied communication and her professional career has been in Trade Marketing for global companies such as Pepsico and Mars. She currently works as Marketing Director Mexico for Vector Global Logistics. She is responsible for internal communications and marketing strategy development for the logistics industry. She is a mother of two girls, married and lives in Monterrey. She defines herself as a creative and innovative person, and enjoys traveling and cooking a lot.

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Sofia Rivas

Host, Supply Chain Now en Espanol

Sofia self-identifies as Supply Chain Ambassador, her mission is to advocate for the field and inspire young generations from diverse backgrounds and cultures to join the industry so that thought diversity is increased and change accelerated. Recognized as Linkedin Top Voice and Linkedin Community Top Voice in Supply Chain Management, as well as Emerging Leader in Supply Chain by CSCMP 2024, Top Women in Supply Chain by Supply & Demand Executive 2023, and Coup de Coeur Global Women Leaders in Supply Chain by B2G Consulting in 2021

Public speaker at multiple international events from keynotes and panels, to webinars and guest lectures for bachelor's and master's degrees, discussing topics such as sustainability, women in the industry, technology and innovation. Writer at different online magazines on logistics, supply chain and technology. Podcast host and guest on different recognized programs in the industry. Sofia has more than 5 years of experience from academic research and field studies to warehouse operations, demand planning and network design. She has worked in manufacturing, airport operations, e-commerce retail, and technology hardware across Latin America, North America and Europe

Currently working as Supply Chain Network Design and Optimization Manager at HP within their Global Supply Chain and Logistics team

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Karin Bursa


Karin Bursa is the 2020 Supply Chain Pro to Know of the Year and the Host of the TEKTOK Digital Supply Chain Podcast powered by Supply Chain Now. With more than 25 years of supply chain and technology expertise (and the scars to prove it), Karin has the heart of a teacher and has helped nearly 1,000 customers transform their businesses and share their success stories. Today, she helps B2B technology companies introduce new products, capture customer success and grow global revenue, market share and profitability. In addition to her recognition as the 2020 Supply Chain Pro to Know of the Year, Karin has also been recognized as a 2019 and 2018 Supply Chain Pro to Know, 2009 Technology Marketing Executive of the Year and a 2008 Women in Technology Finalist. 

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Vin Vashishta


Vin Vashishta is the author of ‘From Data To Profit’ (Wiley 2023). It’s the playbook for monetizing data and AI. Vin is the Founder of V-Squared and built the business from client 1 to one of the world’s oldest data and AI consulting firms. His background combines nearly 30 years in strategy, leadership, software engineering, and applied machine learning.

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Tevon Taylor


Tevon Taylor is a dynamic leader at Pegasus Logistics, where he has made significant contributions to the company’s growth and innovation in the logistics industry. With a background in supply chain management and operations, Tevon combines strategic thinking with hands-on experience to streamline processes and enhance efficiency.  Since joining Pegasus Logistics, Tevon has been instrumental in implementing cutting-edge technologies and sustainable practices, driving the company toward a more eco-friendly approach. His leadership style fosters collaboration and empowers teams to excel, making him a respected figure among colleagues and industry peers.  Outside of work, Tevon is passionate about mentorship and actively engages in community initiatives, sharing his expertise to inspire the next generation of logistics professionals. His commitment to excellence and continuous improvement has positioned him as a key player in shaping the future of logistics at Pegasus.

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Nick Roemer

Host, Logistics with Purpose

Nick Roemer has had a very diverse and extensive career within design and sales over the last 15 years stretching from China, Dubai, Germany, Holland, UK, and the USA. In the last 5 years, Nick has developed a hawk's eye for sustainable tech and the human-centric marketing and sales procedures that come with it. With his far-reaching and strong network within the logistics industry, Nick has been able to open new avenues and routes to market within major industries in the USA and the UAE. Nick lives by the ethos, “Give more than you take." His professional mission is to make the logistics industry leaner, cleaner and greener.

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Lori Sofian

Marketing Coordinator

Lori is currently completing a degree in marketing with an emphasis in digital marketing at the University of Georgia. When she’s not supporting the marketing efforts at Supply Chain Now, you can find her at music festivals – or working toward her dream goal of a fashion career. Lori is involved in many extracurricular activities and appreciates all the learning experiences UGA has brought her.

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Scott W. Luton

Founder, CEO, & Host

As the founder and CEO of Supply Chain Now, you might say Scott is the voice of supply chain – but he’s too much of a team player to ever claim such a title. One thing’s for sure: he’s a tried and true supply chain expert. With over 15 years of experience in the end-to-end supply chain, Scott’s insights have appeared in major publications including The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and CNN. He has also been named a top industry influencer by Thinkers360, ISCEA and more.

From 2009-2011, Scott was president of APICS Atlanta, and he continues to lead initiatives that support both the local business community and global industry. A United States Air Force Veteran, Scott has also regularly led efforts to give back to his fellow veteran community since his departure from active duty in 2002.

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Greg White

Principal & Host

When rapid-growth technology companies, venture capital and private equity firms are looking for advisory, they call Greg – a founder, board director, advisor and catalyst of disruptive B2B technology and supply chain. An insightful visionary, Greg guides founders, investors and leadership teams in creating breakthroughs to gain market exposure and momentum – increasing overall company esteem and valuation.

Greg is a founder himself, creating Blue Ridge Solutions, a Gartner Magic Quadrant Leader in cloud-native supply chain applications, and bringing to market Curo, a field service management solution. He has also held leadership roles with Servigistics (PTC) and E3 Corporation (JDA/Blue Yonder). As a principal and host at Supply Chain Now, Greg helps guide the company’s strategic direction, hosts industry leader discussions, community livestreams, and all in addition to executive producing and hosting his original YouTube channel and podcast, TEChquila Sunrise.

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Chris Barnes

Principal, Supply Chain Now
Host of Supply Chain is Boring

Talk about world-class: Chris is one of the few professionals in the world to hold CPIM-F, CLTD-F and CSCP-F designations from ASCM/APICS. He’s also the APICS coach – and our resident Supply Chain Doctor. When he’s not hosting programs with Supply Chain Now, he’s sharing supply chain knowledge on the APICS Coach Youtube channel or serving as a professional education instructor for the Georgia Tech Supply Chain & Logistic Institute’s Supply Chain Management (SCM) program and University of Tennessee-Chattanooga Center for Professional Education courses.

Chris earned a BS in Industrial Engineering from Bradley University, an MBA with emphasis in Industrial Psychology from the University of West Florida, and is a Doctoral in Supply Chain Management candidate.

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Tyler Ward

Director of Sales

Tyler Ward serves as Supply Chain Now's Director of Sales. Born and raised in Mid-Atlantic, Tyler is a proud graduate of Shippensburg University where he earned his degree in Communications. After college, he made his way to the beautiful state of Oregon, where he now lives with his wife and daughter.

With over a decade of experience in sales, Tyler has a proven track record of exceeding targets and leading high-performing teams. He credits his success to his ability to communicate effectively with customers and team members alike, as well as his strategic thinking and problem-solving skills.

When he's not closing deals, you can find Tyler on the links or cheering on his favorite football and basketball teams. He also enjoys spending time with his family, playing pick-up basketball, and traveling back to Ocean City, Maryland, his favorite place!

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Kevin L. Jackson

Host of Digital Transformers

Kevin L. Jackson is a globally recognized Thought Leader, Industry Influencer and Founder/Author of the award winning “Cloud Musings” blog.  He has also been recognized as a “Top 5G Influencer” (Onalytica 2019, Radar 2020), a “Top 50 Global Digital Transformation Thought Leader” (Thinkers 360 2019) and provides strategic consulting and integrated social media services to AT&T, Intel, Broadcom, Ericsson and other leading companies. Mr. Jackson’s commercial experience includes Vice President J.P. Morgan Chase, Worldwide Sales Executive for IBM and SAIC (Engility) Director Cloud Solutions. He has served on teams that have supported digital transformation projects for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the US Intelligence Community.  Kevin’s formal education includes a MS Computer Engineering from Naval Postgraduate School; MA National Security & Strategic Studies from Naval War College; and a BS Aerospace Engineering from the United States Naval Academy. Internationally recognizable firms that have sponsored articles authored by him include CiscoMicrosoft, Citrix and IBM.  Books include “Click to Transform” (Leaders Press, 2020), “Architecting Cloud Computing Solutions” (Packt, 2018), and “Practical Cloud Security: A Cross Industry View” (Taylor & Francis, 2016). He also delivers online training through Tulane UniversityO’Reilly MediaLinkedIn Learning, and Pluralsight.  Mr. Jackson retired from the U.S. Navy in 1994, earning specialties in Space Systems EngineeringCarrier Onboard Delivery Logistics and carrier-based Airborne Early Warning and Control. While active, he also served with the National Reconnaissance Office, Operational Support Office, providing tactical support to Navy and Marine Corps forces worldwide.

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Enrique Alvarez

Host of Logistics with Purpose and Supply Chain Now en Español

Enrique serves as Managing Director at Vector Global Logistics and believes we all have a personal responsibility to change the world. He is hard working, relationship minded and pro-active. Enrique trusts that the key to logistics is having a good and responsible team that truly partners with the clients and does whatever is necessary to see them succeed. He is a proud sponsor of Vector’s unique results-based work environment and before venturing into logistics he worked for the Boston Consulting Group (BCG). During his time at BCG, he worked in different industries such as Telecommunications, Energy, Industrial Goods, Building Materials, and Private Banking. His main focus was always on the operations, sales, and supply chain processes, with case focus on, logistics, growth strategy, and cost reduction. Prior to joining BCG, Enrique worked for Grupo Vitro, a Mexican glass manufacturer, for five years holding different positions from sales and logistics manager to supply chain project leader in charge of five warehouses in Colombia.

He has an MBA from The Wharton School of Business and a BS, in Mechanical Engineer from the Technologico de Monterrey in Mexico. Enrique’s passions are soccer and the ocean, and he also enjoys traveling, getting to know new people, and spending time with his wife and two kids, Emma and Enrique.

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Kelly Barner

Host of Dial P for Procurement

Kelly is the Owner and Managing Director of Buyers Meeting Point and MyPurchasingCenter. She has been in procurement since 2003, starting as a practitioner and then as the Associate Director of Consulting at Emptoris. She has covered procurement news, events, publications, solutions, trends, and relevant economics at Buyers Meeting Point since 2009. Kelly is also the General Manager at Art of Procurement and Business Survey Chair for the ISM-New York Report on Business. Kelly has her MBA from Babson College as well as an MS in Library and Information Science from Simmons College and she has co-authored three books: ‘Supply Market Intelligence for Procurement Professionals’, ‘Procurement at a Crossroads’, and ‘Finance Unleashed’.

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Mary Kate Soliva

Host, Veteran Voices

Mary Kate Soliva is a veteran of the US Army and cofounder of the Guam Human Rights Initiative. She is currently in the Doctor of Criminal Justice program at Saint Leo University. She is passionate about combating human trafficking and has spent the last decade conducting training for military personnel and the local community.

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Constantine Limberakis


Constantine Limberakis is a thought leader in the area of procurement and supply management. He has over 20 years of international experience, playing strategic roles in a wide spectrum of organizations related to analyst advisory, consulting, product marketing, product development, and market research.Throughout his career, he's been passionate about engaging global business leaders and the broader analyst and technology community with strategic content, speaking engagements, podcasts, research, webinars, and industry articles.Constantine holds a BA in History from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and an MBA in Finance & Marketing / Masters in Public & International Affairs from the University of Pittsburgh.

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Amanda Luton

Vice President, Production

Amanda is a seasoned production and marketing professional with over 20 years of experience across diverse industries, including retail, healthcare, and digital marketing. Throughout her career, she has worked with notable organizations such as Von Maur, Anthropologie, AmericasMart Atlanta, and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. Currently, Amanda manages, produces, and develops digital content for Supply Chain Now and its clients, delivering modern, engaging solutions for a wide range of audiences.

A former Vice President of Information Systems and Webmaster on the Board of Directors for APICS Savannah, Amanda also founded and led Magnolia Marketing Group, a successful digital marketing firm. Outside of her professional life, she enjoys experimenting in the kitchen, reading, listening to podcasts, and spending time with her family.

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Clay Phillips

Business Development Manager

Clay is passionate about two things: supply chain and the marketing that goes into it. Recently graduated with a degree in marketing at the University of Georgia, Clay got his start as a journalism major and inaugural member of the Owl’s football team at Kennesaw State University – but quickly saw tremendous opportunity in the Terry College of Business. He’s already putting his education to great use at Supply Chain Now, assisting with everything from sales and brand strategy to media production. Clay has contributed to initiatives such as our leap into video production, the guest blog series, and boosting social media presence, and after nearly two years in Supply Chain Now’s Marketing Department, Clay now heads up partnership and sales initiatives with the help of the rest of the Supply Chain Now sales team.

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Trisha Cordes

Administrative Assistant

Trisha is new to the supply chain industry – but not to podcasting. She’s an experienced podcast manager and virtual assistant who also happens to have 20 years of experience as an elementary school teacher. It’s safe to say, she’s passionate about helping people, and she lives out that passion every day with the Supply Chain Now team, contributing to scheduling and podcast production.

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Chantel King

Social Media Manager

My name is Chantel King and I am the Social Media Specialist at Supply Chain Now. My job is to make sure our audience is engaged and educated on the abundant amount of information the supply chain industry has to offer.

Social Media and Communications has been my niche ever since I graduated from college at The Academy of Art University in San Francisco. No, I am not a West Coast girl. I was born and raised in New Jersey, but my travel experience goes way beyond the garden state. My true passion is in creating editorial and graphic content that influences others to be great in whatever industry they are in. I’ve done this by working with lifestyle, financial, and editorial companies by providing resources to enhance their businesses.

Another passion of mine is trying new things. Whether it’s food, an activity, or a sport. I would like to say that I am an adventurous Taurus that never shies away from a new quest or challenge.

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Katherine Hintz

Director, Customer Experience

Katherine is a marketing professional and MBA candidate who strives to unite her love of people with a passion for positive experiences. Having a diverse background, which includes nonprofit work with digital marketing and start-ups, she serves as a leader who helps people live their most creative lives by cultivating community, order, collaboration, and respect. With equal parts creativity and analytics, she brings a unique skill set which fosters refining, problem solving, and connecting organizations with their true vision. In her free time, you can usually find her looking for her cup of coffee, playing with her puppy Charlie, and dreaming of her next road trip.

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Mary Kate Love

Chief of Staff & Host

Mary Kate Love is currently the VP of marketing at Supply Chain Now focused on brand strategy and audience + revenue growth. Mary Kate’s career is a testament to her versatility and innovative spirit: she has experience in start-ups, venture capital, and building innovation initiatives from the ground up: she previously helped lead the build-out of the Supply Chain Innovation Center at Georgia-Pacific and before that, MxD (Manufacturing times Digital): the Department of Defense’s digital manufacturing innovation center. Mary Kate has a passion for taking complicated ideas and turning them into reality: she was one of the first team members at MxD and the first team member at the Supply Chain Innovation Center at Georgia-Pacific.

Mary Kate dedicates her extra time to education and mentorship: she was one of the founding Board Members for Women Influence Chicago and led an initiative for a city-wide job shadow day for young women across Chicago tech companies and was previously on the Board of Directors at St. Laurence High School in Chicago, Young Irish Fellowship Board and the UN Committee for Women. Mary Kate is the founder of National Supply Chain Day and enjoys co-hosting podcasts at Supply Chain Now. Mary Kate is from the south side of Chicago, a mom of two baby boys, and an avid 16-inch softball player. She holds a BS in Political Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

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Joshua Miranda

Marketing Specialist

Joshua is a student from Institute of Technology and Higher Education of Monterrey Campus Guadalajara in Communication and Digital Media. His experience ranges from Plug and Play México, DearDoc, and Nissan México creating unique social media marketing campaigns and graphics design. Joshua helps to amplify the voice of supply chain here at Supply Chain Now by assisting in graphic design, content creation, asset logistics, and more.  In his free time he likes to read and write short stories as well as watch movies and television series.

Donna Krache

Director of Communications and Executive Producer

Donna Krache is a former CNN executive producer who has won several awards in journalism and communication, including three Peabodys.  She has 30 years’ experience in broadcast and digital journalism. She led the first production team at CNN to convert its show to a digital platform. She has authored many articles for CNN and other media outlets. She taught digital journalism at Georgia State University and Arizona State University. Krache holds a bachelor’s degree in government from the College of William and Mary and a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction from the University of New Orleans. She is a serious sports fan who loves the Braves. She is president of the Dave Krache Foundation. Named in honor of her late husband, this non-profit pays fees for kids who want to play sports but whose parents are facing economic challenges.

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Vicki White


Vicki has a long history of rising to challenges and keeping things up and running. First, she supported her family’s multi-million dollar business as controller for 12 years, beginning at the age of 17. Then, she worked as an office manager and controller for a wholesale food broker. But her biggest feat? Serving as the chief executive officer of her household, while her entrepreneur husband travelled the world extensively. She fed, nurtured, chaperoned, and chauffeured three daughters all while running a newsletter publishing business and remaining active in her community as a Stephen’s Minister, Sunday school teacher, school volunteer, licensed realtor and POA Board president (a title she holds to this day). A force to be reckoned with in the office, you might think twice before you meet Vicki on the tennis court! When she’s not keeping the books balanced at Supply Chain Now or playing tennis matches, you can find Vicki spending time with her husband Greg, her 4 fur babies, gardening, cleaning (yes, she loves to clean!) and learning new things.

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Katherine Hintz

Creative Director, Producer, Host

Katherine Hintz, MBA is a marketing professional who strives to unite her love of people with a passion for positive experiences. Having a diverse background, which includes nonprofit work with digital marketing and start-ups, she serves as a leader who helps people live their most creative lives by cultivating community, order, collaboration, and respect. With equal parts creativity and analytics, she brings a unique skill set which fosters refining, problem solving, and connecting organizations with their true vision. In her free time, you can usually find her looking for her cup of coffee, playing with her puppy Charlie, and dreaming of her next road trip.

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Kim Reuter


From humble beginnings working the import docks, representing Fortune 500 giants, Ford, Michelin Tire, and Black & Decker; to Amazon technology patent holder and Nordstrom Change Leader, Kimberly Reuter has designed, implemented, and optimized best-in-class, highly scalable global logistics and retail operations all over the world. Kimberly’s ability to set strategic vision supported by bomb-proof processes, built on decades of hands-on experience, has elevated her to legendary status. Sought after by her peers and executives for her intellectual capital and keen insights, Kimberly is a thought leader in the retail logistics industry.

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Kristi Porter

Host, Logistics with Purpose

Kristi Porter is VP of Sales and Marketing at Vector Global Logistics, a company that is changing the world through supply chain. In her role, she oversees all marketing efforts and supports the sales team in doing what they do best. In addition to this role, she is the Chief Do-Gooder at Signify, which assists nonprofits and social impact companies through copywriting and marketing strategy consulting. She has almost 20 years of professional experience, and loves every opportunity to help people do more good.

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Sofia Rivas Herrera

Host, Supply Chain Now en Espanol

Sofia Rivas Herrera is a Mexican Industrial Engineer from Tecnologico de Monterrey class 2019. Upon graduation, she earned a scholarship to study MIT’s Graduate Certificate in Logistics and Supply Chain Management and graduated as one of the Top 3 performers of her class in 2020. She also has a multicultural background due to her international academic experiences at Singapore Management University and Kühne Logistics University in Hamburg. Sofia self-identifies as a Supply Chain enthusiast & ambassador sharing her passion for the field in her daily life.

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Demo Perez

Host, Supply Chain Now en Espanol

Demo Perez started his career in 1997 in the industry by chance when a relative asked him for help for two just weeks putting together an operation for FedEx Express at the Colon Free Zone, an area where he was never been but accepted the challenge. Worked in all roles possible from a truck driver to currier to a sales representative, helped the brand introduction, market share growth and recognition in the Colon Free Zone, at the end of 1999 had the chance to meet and have a chat with Fred Smith ( FedEx CEO), joined another company in 2018 who took over the FedEx operations as Operations and sales manager, in 2004 accepted the challenge from his company to leave the FedEx operations and business to take over the operation and business of DHL Express, his major competitor and rival so couldn’t say no, by changing completely its operation model in the Free Zone. In 2005 started his first entrepreneurial journey by quitting his job and joining two friends to start a Freight Forwarding company. After 8 months was recruited back by his company LSP with the General Manager role with the challenge of growing the company and make it fully capable warehousing 3PL. By 2009 joined CSCMP and WERC and started his journey of learning and growing his international network and high-level learning. In 2012 for the first time joined a local association ( the Panama Maritime Chamber) and worked in the country’s first Logistics Strategy plan, joined and lead other associations ending as president of the Panama Logistics Council in 2017. By finishing his professional mission at LSP with a company that was 8 times the size it was when accepted the role as GM with so many jobs generated and several young professionals coached, having great financial results, took the decision to move forward and start his own business from scratch by the end of 2019. with a friend and colleague co-founded IPL Group a company that started as a boutique 3PL and now is gearing up for the post-Covid era by moving to the big leagues.

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Kim Winter

Host, Supply Chain Now

The founder of Logistics Executive Group, Kim Winter delivers 40 years of executive leadership experience spanning Executive Search & Recruitment, Leadership Development, Executive Coaching, Corporate Advisory, Motivational Speaking, Trade Facilitation and across the Supply Chain, Logistics, 3PL, E-commerce, Life Science, Cold Chain, FMCG, Retail, Maritime, Defence, Aviation, Resources, and Industrial sectors. Operating from the company’s global offices, he is a regular contributor of thought leadership to industry and media, is a professional Master of Ceremonies, and is frequently invited to chair international events.

He is a Board member of over a dozen companies throughout APAC, India, and the Middle East, a New Zealand citizen, he holds formal resident status in Australia and the UAE, and is the Australia & New Zealand representative for the UAE Government-owned Jebel Ali Free Zone (JAFZA), the Middle East’s largest Economic Free Zone.

A triathlete and ex-professional rugby player, Kim is a qualified (IECL Sydney) executive coach and the Founder / Chairman of the successful not for profit humanitarian organization, Oasis Africa (www., which has provided freedom from poverty through education to over 8000 mainly orphaned children in East Africa’s slums. Kim holds an MBA and BA from Massey & Victoria Universities (NZ).

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Adrian Purtill

Host, Logistics with Purpose

Adrian Purtill serves as Business Development Manager at Vector Global Logistics, where he consults with importers and exporters in various industries to match their specific shipping requirements with the most effective supply chain solutions. Vector Global Logistics is an asset-free, multi-modal logistics company that provides exceptional sea freight, air freight, truck, rail, general logistic services and consulting for our clients. Our highly trained and professional team is committed to providing creative and effective solutions, always exceeding our customer’s expectations and fostering long-term relationships. With more than 20+ years of experience in both strategy consulting and logistics, Vector Global Logistics is your best choice to proactively minimize costs while having an exceptional service level.

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Kevin Brown

Host, Logistics with Purpose

Kevin Brown is the Director of Business Development for Vector Global Logistics.  He has a dedicated interest in Major Account Management, Enterprise Sales, and Corporate Leadership. He offers 25 years of exceptional experience and superior performance in the sales of Logistics, Supply Chain, and Transportation Management. Kevin is a dynamic, high-impact, sales executive and corporate leader who has consistently exceeded corporate goals. He effectively coordinates multiple resources to solution sell large complex opportunities while focusing on corporate level contacts across the enterprise. His specialties include targeting and securing key accounts by analyzing customer’s current business processes and developing solutions to meet their corporate goals. Connect with Kevin on LinkedIn.

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Jose Miguel Irarrazaval

Host, Logistics with Purpose

Jose Manuel Irarrazaval es parte del equipo de Vector Global Logistics Chile. José Manuel es un gerente experimentado con experiencia en finanzas corporativas, fusiones y adquisiciones, financiamiento y reestructuración, inversión directa y financiera, tanto en Chile como en el exterior. José Manuel tiene su MBA de la Universidad de Pennsylvania- The Wharton School. Conéctese con Jose Manuel en LinkedIn.

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