Harnessing Military Skills for Business Success with Ralph Asher

Harnessing Military Skills for Business Success with Ralph Asher

Military skills such as strategic planning, leadership, discipline, and self-reliance are highly transferable to the business world. Veterans often excel in setting clear objectives, managing resources efficiently, and maintaining focus under pressure. Their experience in teamwork and mission-oriented thinking makes them adept at problem-solving and innovation. Additionally, the ability to adapt to changing circumstances and persevere through challenges equips veterans to navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship and business management effectively.

In this episode of Veteran Voices, host Mary Kate Soliva welcomes Ralph Asher, a Marine Corps veteran and entrepreneur to the show. Asher shares his journey from active duty to the reserves, his transition into civilian life, and his current role as a business owner. Listen in as they discuss the importance of strategic planning and self-reliance, the resources available to veterans interested in starting their own businesses, and how much mentorship and support can make a difference in the journey.



This episode is hosted by Mary Kate Soliva, and produced by Amanda Luton.


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Kim Reuter


From humble beginnings working the import docks, representing Fortune 500 giants, Ford, Michelin Tire, and Black & Decker; to Amazon technology patent holder and Nordstrom Change Leader, Kimberly Reuter has designed, implemented, and optimized best-in-class, highly scalable global logistics and retail operations all over the world. Kimberly’s ability to set strategic vision supported by bomb-proof processes, built on decades of hands-on experience, has elevated her to legendary status. Sought after by her peers and executives for her intellectual capital and keen insights, Kimberly is a thought leader in the retail logistics industry.

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Jose Miguel Irarrazaval

Host, Logistics with Purpose

Jose Manuel Irarrazaval es parte del equipo de Vector Global Logistics Chile. José Manuel es un gerente experimentado con experiencia en finanzas corporativas, fusiones y adquisiciones, financiamiento y reestructuración, inversión directa y financiera, tanto en Chile como en el exterior. José Manuel tiene su MBA de la Universidad de Pennsylvania- The Wharton School. Conéctese con Jose Manuel en LinkedIn.

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